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kevlarcorolla Reader
12/4/12 2:27 p.m.

Been working on the geo for a bit now in preparation for this up coming ice race season,changed the front suspension as last years set-up was too stiff.Softer/longer springs,camber plates,torrington roller bearings under the springs,koni coaxial upper spring seats installed to be free floating on the shaft round out the front.Camber plates are set for additional castor and should allow me to pull nearly degree or so of camber out to increase straightline grip.The rear steer set-up worked well so its staying unchanged including spring rates alignment etc.The car has changed colour on both the outside and inside,the interior was a mess last year with no time to spend on sprusing it up.Its been cleaned,sanded and painted satin black now and looks pretty spiffy.Also went to 4x100 adapters to allow the use of some light 13x6 wheels I had to fit 155's instead of the too wide 195's I ran last year. The engine is changing from a mega squirted 2002 R1 engine to a 2000 R1 engine with rejetted carbs.A new drive set-up is in the works using a flex disc from an e30 between the adapter at the engine and the jackshaft,had no problems with lasts years solidly mounted jackshaft but any flex between the chassis and engine could mean big problems so hopefully this eliminates and potencial problems. The most obvious change is the addition of wings,the angle of attack is adjustable for both wings and I expect to be able to fine tune the handling balance with just the wings alone.Should be a fun year.

e_pie HalfDork
12/4/12 2:38 p.m.


92CelicaHalfTrac MegaDork
12/4/12 2:40 p.m.


JohnInKansas Dork
12/4/12 2:42 p.m.

Holy crap downforce

ValuePack Dork
12/4/12 4:15 p.m.

I was impressed with last year's setup, now I'm just bloody amazed.

Adrian_Thompson SuperDork
12/4/12 4:20 p.m.

kevlarcorolla Reader
12/4/12 4:47 p.m.

I'd wait and see if it all works before bowing down.

Thanks for the support nonetheless.

moparman76_69 HalfDork
12/4/12 7:57 p.m.
kevlarcorolla posted:

kevlarcorolla Reader
12/4/12 9:51 p.m.

In reply to moparman76_69:

I'd respond to your post but don't know what its about.

turboswede GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
12/5/12 12:41 a.m.
moparman76_69 wrote:
kevlarcorolla posted:


GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
12/5/12 8:53 a.m.

Hey are you sure you want the front wing so high up? It might disrupt airflow over the rear wing. I know you don't want to put the underside of it in the high pressure zone ahead of the windshield but I figure you could afford to drop it at least 6".

kevlarcorolla Reader
12/5/12 12:53 p.m.

In reply to GameboyRMH:

Yes I'd love to have the front wing a little lower but need to see the flagger thats up on the bank to start the race.The resr wing is a little wider and should grab clear air at the ends while going straight.I almost never track in the direction the car is travelling so it won't be completely in the wash from the front wing.I expect to use the rear as more of a rudder anyways.

Conquest351 SuperDork
12/5/12 4:24 p.m.

Still first on the list to buy this thing whenever you wanna sell it. LOL

kevlarcorolla Reader
12/5/12 4:41 p.m.

In reply to Conquest351:

Haha ok,I don't think that'll be anytime soon-kinda burned out from all the building the last 3 years.I do have another build in the planning stages for summer usage-of course it'll be bike powered as well.

Conquest351 SuperDork
12/6/12 9:54 a.m.
kevlarcorolla wrote: In reply to Conquest351: Haha ok,I don't think that'll be anytime soon-kinda burned out from all the building the last 3 years.I do have another build in the planning stages for summer usage-of course it'll be bike powered as well.

That's fine, I don't have the cash to buy anything right now. LOL Saving up for it though...

fidelity101 Reader
12/6/12 1:49 p.m.

You should get some menards

kevlarcorolla Reader
12/6/12 3:54 p.m.

Our street stud tires are under $100 each ready to go in a 13",I also do enjoy trying to go as quick as possible on those.I ran a couple of seasons on homebuilts prior to menards becoming our top tire,the 2 seperate rollovers I had didn't deter me anywhere near as much as the lack of vision.If I could see where I was going ALL THE TIME I'd run menards.With the rules change last year due to my car I have no other cars to run agaisn't anyways so menards just mean more money/ bigger risks/bigger crashes for no real gain imo.

wvumtnbkr GRM+ Memberand Reader
12/7/12 10:22 a.m.

What are menards?

12/7/12 10:40 a.m.
wvumtnbkr wrote: What are menards?

Studded ice racing tires that are recapped with big honkin studs - not like the street studded tires that show up earlier in this thread.

fidelity101 Reader
12/7/12 12:06 p.m.
kevlarcorolla wrote: Our street stud tires are under $100 each ready to go in a 13",I also do enjoy trying to go as quick as possible on those.I ran a couple of seasons on homebuilts prior to menards becoming our top tire,the 2 seperate rollovers I had didn't deter me anywhere near as much as the lack of vision.If I could see where I was going ALL THE TIME I'd run menards.With the rules change last year due to my car I have no other cars to run agaisn't anyways so menards just mean more money/ bigger risks/bigger crashes for no real gain imo.

ahhh that makes sense, that sucks :(

Still going to be fun though :)

kevlarcorolla Reader
12/7/12 1:05 p.m.

I've had a few people tell me they want to see the car on menards,the menards are damn tall though so my gearing will be a little whacky and no telling how the additional grip will impact the rear steer set-up.I might be able to bum a set for a practice and give it a try,I have a gopro camera sync for this year with GPS so the videos should be better with accurate speeds shown.

This a video from late in the year,banks have been moved due to poor ice so its very narrow and its warm out so lots of slush.My light car on wide tires sucks on slush,the celica alltrac is heavy on narrow tires and worked much better.I was driving pretty hard to get a decent lead but a bunch of rwds having a good race slowed me up and then it got interesting from about the 7 minute mark.This race is the reason for the switch to narrow tires for this season. http://youtu.be/EihruhDqj4c

kevlarcorolla Reader
12/8/12 11:08 a.m.

My machinest buddy just dropped the new drive set-up off,it uses an e30 flex disc that mates to an adapter that bolts to the driveshaft adapter from hawk machine.

MrJoshua PowerDork
12/8/12 12:30 p.m.


kevlarcorolla Reader
12/8/12 1:17 p.m.

What did you call me!

kevlarcorolla Reader
1/23/13 9:57 p.m.

1st race this weekend,hope all the changes make it quicker AND nothing breaks.

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