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jp498 New Reader
2/11/15 6:30 p.m.

This Maine scene is about as far as one can get from warm summer top down driving. Makes me think about escaping to the Mitty which I have done once before and highly recommend.

Here's my garage; all the snow on the right is fallen/drifted snow. Snow is plowed to the left, and I shovel through about 20' of plowed snow piles to get to the side door. There's an E-type and Saab convertible inside.

This drift hides my 1988 saab lawn ornament. I've got a mower and an old snow plow hidden under drifts too.

TR8owner HalfDork
2/11/15 6:53 p.m.

We're cold as heck up here in the GWN but about half your snow but still enough to keep the garage doors shut. Got three TR8's tucked away in my garage. Couldn't get them out even if I wanted to.

maseratiguy Reader
2/11/15 10:07 p.m.

Yeah, in NY I don't have that much...but I still have too much.!

Mustang50 New Reader
2/11/15 10:08 p.m.

I can't work on the car here in Cleveland so I'm reading "Closing Speed" by Ted West. It's a novel about the 1970 World Sports Car Championship. So far it's very good, I recommend it to all snowed in car nuts.

Gary HalfDork
2/12/15 6:55 a.m.

Another major snow "event" coming to Southern New England this weekend. Along with the snow we'll be getting 55 mph wind. That's a blizzard. My '96 Miata and '68 Spitfire are tucked in the garage. Wife's and my daily drivers are parked in the driveway exposed to the elements. But we leave next Thursday for a week in South Florida and the Boca Raton Concours d'Elegance on Sunday the 22nd. Can't wait.

850Combat New Reader
2/12/15 8:22 a.m.

How are the snow mobile trails?

Gary HalfDork
2/12/15 8:26 a.m.

In reply to 850Combat:

I don't snowmobile but I assume they're pretty good. I live on a main road and during the last couple storms, snowmobiles and ATVs were buzzing back and forth on the road at speed. They were the only vehicles on the road.

Rhodyspit75 New Reader
2/12/15 8:45 a.m.

If I can survive 4 more weeks of this I will be in Amelia Island. Even with the settling the snow is still a solid 3 feet deep in my yard. I have ice a foot thick on part of my roof and water dripping through my kitchen window.

I might change my plans and go south a week earlier.

stu67tiger Reader
2/12/15 11:37 a.m.

I'm in MA, my town bordering the top of RI. Same deal here, snow nearly a yard deep, the banks along the side of my driveway are about the same height as the Tiger, now hibernating in the garage. At the street, the bank is so high that we can't see to merge, even in my wife's Jeep, due to the combined contributions of the plows plus my snow blower. So we just put the 4 way flashers on and creep out an inch at a time... Thankfully the road isn't too busy.

And there's another storm due this weekend...

See all the fun you folks in Florida are missing?


TeamEvil Dork
2/12/15 12:20 p.m.

Most definitely the Winter of Our Discontent here in South Coastal Massachusetts.

Between the snow and the storm damage along the sea walls, it's NUTS ! ! !

Still, we really haven't had a decent Spring in a handful of years now. I suspect that this Spring is gonna be well enjoyed and much appreciated.

lrrs New Reader
2/13/15 7:49 p.m.

Dang global warming is reaking havoc here in new hampshire too.

impster Reader
2/14/15 5:49 a.m.

Up here in Maine (like op), preparing for our next round of snow & wind by shuffling cars today so I can have one on the lift to work on during tomorrow's blizzard conditions. Ya gotta plan ahead with weather like this!

jp498 New Reader
2/14/15 6:47 a.m.

Tracking temperature and humidity. Humidity is important in the summer to make sure the dehumidifier is working. This Ubiquiti MFI gear sends me an email if humidity or temp get too high. Not an issue this time of year. It is -10f outdoors right now, and 24f in the garage (it's decently insulated) I can turn on a heater but probably won't unless I'm actually working down there. I don't mind working in 35f indoor temps as the air is still and I can wear a polarfleece vest and hat. 2' more snow predicted for us tomorrow.

SeanC New Reader
2/14/15 3:52 p.m.

We're in southern NH and feel your pain this season. We just had to have our neighbor dig out our dumpster with his front end loader so the trash company could get it. We haven't had to do anything like that yet since moving here 12 years ago. Not having fun.

TeamEvil Dork
2/15/15 1:11 p.m.

I was checking Craigslist the night before last for a mid-eighties Vette. Looking for an '85 convertible with the high door sills.

NOTHING ! Very few Vettes at all. Much the same with other sporty/fast/fun cars. I think that their all snow bound or stored away where they can't be gotten to in all this white out. Anything stored outside, cars or parts, are gonna be off the market until Spring here in New England. Bet that the Great Woods(?) Auto Flee Market will be pretty big this year as a result.

Gary HalfDork
2/15/15 1:58 p.m.

Very few on the RI CL too.

Just got back in the house after two hours of snow-blowing my driveway and front walk. The snow finally stopped around 1:00 pm here. It's cold and windy out there. Not fun. Can't wait to get to FL!

(Just opened a Stella).

stu67tiger Reader
2/15/15 2:47 p.m.

Same here in MA, Gary. I'm glad I upgraded to the industrial strength snow blower this year.

The fun factor is wearing off real fast.


Gary HalfDork
2/15/15 4:36 p.m.

In reply to stu67tiger:

Donuts in the street with the Tiger tonight?

850Combat New Reader
2/15/15 7:08 p.m.

I have a summer house in Hampden, ME, and a rental. The rental had the water supply freeze up late last week. My nephew managed to fix it foe around $100. Saved me a plumber and the city cost to isolate it and to thaw it. That hasn't happened in about six years. The plumber says there are frozen pipes and mains all over. Strange, because usually its cold weather consistently with no snow cover to insulatr that does that. 4 weeks ago it was cold without snow, but not now.

OFracing Reader
2/15/15 7:39 p.m.

I'm in NY and the snow is getting old here as well.

mike h

Gary HalfDork
2/15/15 7:53 p.m.

Mike, love the windscreen decoration! Donuts on the street with the GT6+ in front of your house? Pictures?

BTW, Shawn just sent me the final draft of my article on the 2014 Thompson vintage races for issue #48 Spitfire & GT6 magazine story (finally). You look great in it! Should be published shortly. About time.

lrrs New Reader
2/21/15 7:42 a.m.

Oh Boy, here it come again ! Another storm for tonight. But worse than the snow is thats its been averaging 10 degrees F below normal. -7F this morning. In NH we are on track for the coldest Feb on record.

If it does stop snowing, whats there wont be going any where for a long while if it does not warm up. Which is sad as my cool car is 100 ft from the driveway in a portable garage, with three feet of snow on the ground its not coming out any time soon.


Rupert Dork
2/21/15 9:59 a.m.

In reply to Gary: I hate you Gary!

You're going to see the sun much earlier than I this year! We had to stay home because my wife is still undergoing medical procedures. (Including a six hour Gamma Globulin infusion last week.)

The friends who we go to Bonaire with have called regularly on Skype to rag on us. It's 80*+/- there every day. And we've had the worst snow event, still ongoing, in our area since 1999! Schools have been closed for five days & probably won't open till at least next Wednesday if the forecasts are correct. And it's obvious we won't even get to Bonaire this winter. And I sure don't want to be there during the summer!


ggarrard GRM+ Memberand Reader
2/21/15 11:34 a.m.

Gary... The cold weather seems to be extending as far south as northern Florida, so it might be best to take an extra sweater or light jacket with you.

We haven't had a day above freezing since mid-January, and I've worn my parka more this year than I have in the last 10. I'm beginning to hate the windchill factors they forecast.

Flights are booked for a break on a Caribbean island first week of March...

Cheers from snowy Ottawa...

Gary HalfDork
2/22/15 6:18 a.m.

Thanks, guys. Arrived down here on Thursday and we had a couple days of cool, windy weather. But it will be sunny and in the high seventies today. Perfect. I will go to the Boca Raton Concours d'Elegance today, a few miles up the road from where I'm staying.

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