Xceler8x GRM+ Memberand New Reader
5/28/08 9:02 a.m.

An interesting blog especially considering our other topic on this board...


The beginning:

In fact, I guess you could say that I fall right in the core Republican demographic. I am a white male who lives in Alabama. Many of my friends & family members root for Republicans in the same way that they root for the Alabama Crimson Tide or the Auburn Tigers. I was raised Baptist and spent some of my older years in the Church of Christ. I am the son of a small business owner, and while I certainly wouldn’t consider my family among society’s upper class, we were always pretty comfortable from a financial standpoint. I graduated from a local university with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. If you were imagining the typical Republican voter in my late 25-34 demographic age range, you would probably imagine someone much like myself. Southern, white, male, married, Christian, in good financial standing, working in business management, I am the embodiment of the stereotypical Republican voter.

He goes on to to say...

Consider this - the Bush administration entered the White House with just over $5 trillion in national debt. The national debt sits at over $9 trillion today. That is over $30,000 worth of debt for every man, woman, and child in this country. This was somewhat staggering to me. Especially considering that the debt has continued to rise 1.5 billion a day since 2007. (Check out the National Debt Clock for up to the second numbers). This looks even worse since it turns out that Bush entered office with a government budget surplus in hand - that is the government was actually paying down the national debt every year, not increasing it. The amount on the government “credit card” has nearly doubled in Bush’s term. And we all know what this means - not just do we owe more money, but, we are writing bigger interest checks than ever. A bigger portion of your taxes than ever are going to countries like China in the form of interest payments.

That is one point he makes about the economy. I then thought it interesting how he calls for a uniting to make the U.S. a better, and more economically viable, country.

I am here because I hope to share information with more conservatives like myself who have been betrayed by their own politicians, but, may have not realized it yet. I hope to also share information with liberals & independents & anyone in-between. I hope to not only share information with you, and I also hope to gain information from you because I certainly don’t have all the answers. Information is the weapon with which this war for our country’s future must be waged. Too long has our country wallowed in political apathy. Too long have many of us cast uninformed votes for candidates who have manipulated us to their own ends. I have been as guilty as anyone, but, it must stop today.

These are just 3 highlights. Read the whole thing..he also touches on tax cuts and national security. This writer is much more conservative than I am. I do find myself agreeing with him more than disagreeing.

belteshazzar Dork
5/28/08 3:45 p.m.

First of all, I have a very strong sense that the auto-biographical information is fabricated.

Secondly, there's no new information here. :shrug:

Xceler8x GRM+ Memberand New Reader
5/28/08 9:51 p.m.

Care to back that up? Just saying something like "We'll be welcomed as liberators!" don't make it so.

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