Woodyhfd GRM+ Memberand New Reader
5/19/08 5:45 p.m.

This morning, following orders from above, I checked out the new forum setup. Since I had registered with Classic Motorsports a few months back when they moved out, I was able to sign in here(same screen name) and make my first post.

I logged out, then tried to get back in about an hour later and I couldn't log in, as it told me that my browser wasn't set up to allow cookies (I hadn't made any changes from earlier in the day).

It took most of the afternoon, and much fiddling with my settings, to get back in and I'm not exactly sure how I did it.

An e-mail from Baxter suggested that I switch to Firefox. I've heard other people praise Firefox before, but since I'm old (41), barely computer literate, and highly resistant to change, I'm a little hesitant to make the switch.

Can someone explain why Firefox is better in VERY basic terms? Also, what will I have to do differently after the change? Will other MS programs like Outlook Express work with it?

I am a simple man with simple needs. Please help me.

Salanis HalfDork
5/19/08 6:05 p.m.

Firefox tends to be better at blocking pop-ups and other unwanted B.S. I find it displays pages more nicely (less weird sizing/formatting).

The interface is otherwise virtually the same as IE. Outlook will work just fine with Firefox. When you install it, it will ask if you'd like to transfer over your favorites from IE, so you'll still have all of those.

If you install Firefox, you don't have to uninstall IE. So you can go back and forth between them, if you'd like.

phillyj None
5/19/08 6:07 p.m.

don't uninstall internet explorer because some sites will not work with firefox like www.microsoft.com

bludroptop HalfDork
5/19/08 6:13 p.m.
woodyhfd said:but since I'm old (41)

Thanks - now I feel like a fossil.:omg:

Xceler8x GRM+ Memberand New Reader
5/20/08 8:51 a.m.

Tabbed browsing. Instead of opening a new window to view a new page you just right-click -> open in new tab -> and voila. The page you want to see downloads while you read the original -OR- you have the new page while the old one is still open so you can backtrack.

Also, firefox has great add-ons. Click on Tools -> add-ons. I suggest ad-blocker, weatherbug, and bug-me-not. Bug-me-not gets you around all those sites that require you to login to view news. Just right click in the login id field and you get a bunch of login choices. Use one and then start reading! Great browser.

Duke Dork
5/20/08 8:54 a.m.
don't uninstall internet explorer because some sites will not work with firefox like www.microsoft.com

Firefox has a great free plugin that allows you to open IE-compatible windows and tabs. It works fine.

grtechguy Dork
5/22/08 5:32 a.m.

and don't forget the extentions

Ad-block+ with Filterset G (ads? what are those) Customize Google (what google ads?) Download Manager ForcastFox ( Not Ness. but 1000% better than weather bug) FireFTP (excellent lightweight FTP Client) Imagezoom (see those little pics)

grtechguy Dork
5/22/08 5:33 a.m.

Firefox also doesn't automatically accept MIMEs.

Mimes, active-x, etc are the nasty little backdoors used to install spyware.

nobody wants spyware do they?

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
5/22/08 7:03 a.m.

There's a bout a zillion and one reasons FF (or Safari, or Opera) is a worthwhile upgrade.

More features - tabbed browsing, and lots more Extensible - want it to do something it doesn't? Somebody's probably got an extension to handle that, no matter how goofy it is. Themes - make it look however you want Security - unlike IE, the Typhoid Mary of software, Firefox has an excellent record of keeping your machine safe and the nasties out. Almost perfect record. Rendering - it just flat does a BETTER job rendering pages than IE (at least IE6). I won't bore you with the geeky details, but it's better. If you see a page that looks right in IE6 and not Firefox... hit the developer with a stick, because they may not know what they're doing.

MyOldMGB New Reader
5/22/08 7:40 a.m.

I've played a bit with the new Firefox 3.0 Release Candidate and it's very quick on loading pages. I'm very impressed. Of course, I have several profiles setup on my current Firefox also, one with all the "bling" (extensions) and then a minimalist one. I have found that certain extensions slow me down while surfing. I'm really digging the new layout also . . . feels a lot better than all the cookie cutter bulletin boards . . . and yes, I've maintained a few in my day too!


grtechguy Dork
5/22/08 8:43 a.m.

Yeah...FF3 has some cool features.

like the history as you type the URL thing

Woodyhfd GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
5/27/08 7:45 p.m.

GRM is fast with Firefox.

Woodyhfd GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
5/27/08 8:03 p.m.

Okay, I acknowledged that it's fast, but I can't find a way to access my e-mail through Firefox. Is it an option?

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
5/27/08 8:08 p.m.

You don't access your email through firefox any more than you do through IE. You use the email client of your choice, whether that's outlook, Thunderbird (sort of the email counterpart to Firefox) or whatever else you like.

That said, there may be some extension that would integrate your email, and if you REALLY want to do it, you can download the full Mozilla thingy, which still has composer built in, just like Netscape used to.

JoeyM New Reader
5/28/08 5:12 a.m.
Baxter said:You don't access your email through firefox any more than you do through IE.

Dunno....many folks nowdays use hotmail/gmail type stuff to access their email via a browser, and some of them may not even realize that separate POP email clients exist. I know that's tangental (at best) to this discussion, so I'll shut up now.....

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
5/28/08 7:07 a.m.

No, that's a good point.

You'll need to log in to post.

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