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GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand Dork
6/3/08 10:46 a.m.

Another 9/11 was narrowly averted!


Gearhead_42 HalfDork
6/3/08 11:05 a.m.

Just imagine if he had a Prince Albert...


Wowak Dork
6/3/08 11:42 a.m.

Sir, your PAPERS, please.

914Driver HalfDork
6/3/08 11:48 a.m.

Really, what did Prince Albert ever do to an yone to deserve that?

bludroptop Dork
6/3/08 12:00 p.m.

Quoted from the first article:

"Last year Gatwick guards made a woman hand over a beef sandwich before boarding..."

Damn Brits and their exploding lunchmeat.

Volksroddin New Reader
6/3/08 12:02 p.m.

are they being over protective or just being pric's?

Salanis HalfDork
6/3/08 12:03 p.m.
914Driver wrote: Really, what did Prince Albert ever do to an yone to deserve that?

The story, as I've heard it told, is that he had a lot going on down there. If you've seen the pants of that era, they don't do a good job of hiding what's going on. So for the sake of dignity and ease, he had it pierced so that he could run a ribbon through the ring, and use that to hold everything up and in place.

Gearhead_42 HalfDork
6/3/08 12:12 p.m.
bludroptop wrote: Damn Brits and their exploding lunchmeat.

When asked why he demanded she hand over the sandwich, the guard replied

"I don't like SPAM!"

Dr. Hess
Dr. Hess SuperDork
6/3/08 12:15 p.m.

Was Prince Albert in a can?

nickel_dime HalfDork
6/3/08 2:00 p.m.

Whew, that was a close call. I've heard those cartoon guns have a hair trigger.

mistanfo Dork
6/3/08 3:01 p.m.

A number of years ago, I lived in England. When it was time to come home, I had my minidisc player with me, to help entertain while sitting in the airport for a few hours.

Went through security, and the person there asked me what it was. I said: "It's a minidisc player."

He said "What's it for?" I replied "To play music, or whatever is recorded on the discs."

He said, ok, go through. Now, at this time, security was fairly high, and any electronics had to pass through the x ray machine, AND you had to power them up to show that they worked. I made the mistake of trying to show him that it worked, and when he asked why, I said "to show that it is what I say it is and not a bomb."

Yeah, big mistake. The word bomb should never be spoken in an airport. I got to visit his boss in a fairly cramped room. Smelled pretty bad in there. I told his boss what happened, and that I wanted my stuff tested like everyone's stuff is, and that I want everyone's stuff tested, because I really want to get back to the US, and not have my plane blow up between there and here. He fired the security guard for not following procedures, and recommended to me to not argue with security, even if I am in the right.

skruffy Dork
6/3/08 3:04 p.m.

Fast food rejects with police powers...

rebelgtp HalfDork
6/3/08 3:06 p.m.

wow that is completely ridiculous. like I said previously here soon we will have state appointed uniforms, for our own protection.

confuZion3 Reader
6/3/08 3:45 p.m.

Look, I am all about airport security. I've been used to it all my life since I fly out of BWI when I do fly - and since that services Washington DC, security has been post-9/11 tight for decades! So, when they suggested that everyone arrive 3 hours early, leave knives and guns at home, and get ready for long waits at American airports, I was like, "OK, are we changing something?"

But when a guy is pulled over to the side for WEARING A SHIRT, I think we've gone a bit too far.

"Hey, buddy. Could you step over here for a second? Yeah, you got a picture of a gun on your shirt. Guns are NOT allowed on any flight into or out of this airport."

"This is not a gun. It's a picture of a Transformer."

"HEY! WE GOT A PROBLEM HERE? You wanna start something? If you don't take that berkeleying thing off right now, I'm going to arrest you! And if you resist at all, you'll be shot and / or imprisoned! You think you're funny?!"

"Can I see your supervisor?"

"berkeley you, buddy! My supervisor is as dumb as me! But if you want to meet with him, go ahead. Just don't try anything funny."

Supervisor "Yeah. You need to change that shirt or you'll be marked as a terrorist forever and go to Guantanimo Bay for the rest of your days!!! We CAN'T have PICTURES of things floating around our airport like they're harmless depictions of ficticious cartoon characters!"

"I'll take it off."

"Good. If I see you wearing it again, I'll arrest you!"


Salanis HalfDork
6/3/08 4:12 p.m.

On security: We keep putting redundant locks on our big secure front doors. We ignore the fact that out back we have a sliding glass door with a tiny latch. But all those extra locks make us feel more secure.

If you land General Aviation at our local International Airport (which is a fairly significant one), you are parked at a separate terminal that is fairly quiet and unwatched. You get picked up by one guy in a van (not armed security, just a driver) who drives you along the tarmac, under some of the terminals, and past all the airplanes, who drops you off outside of a back entrance to the check-in area of your terminal.

Any potential security holes there? Nahhh...

Edit: Also, I wonder what level of screening is done for all of the workers, delivery drivers, and delivered inventory at all the fast food places that come after the security checkpoints.

Wowak Dork
6/3/08 4:32 p.m.

What we as Americans seem to fail to remember is that before the day was over on September 11th, 2001, Americans decided as a whole that we would never again allow a passenger jet to be used as a missile. Theres a hole in the ground in western Pennsylvania to prove it.

Airport security is entirely not necessary to prevent another hijacking. Americans will see to it that it will never happen again.

If I had the option of flying on an airline that didn't even have metal detectors, I would, in a second. We all know that the security is run by guys who were too dumb to become cops, and thats saying alot. The simple fact is that the average American citizen has no reason to circumvent the security. But now one thing is guaranteed: if a terrorist does circumvent security, he can be assured that his resistance will only have bare hands to fight him with.

I'm taking the train to my sister's place in Virginia for Thanksgiving. I'm fed up with this. I'm not taking my shoes off for anybody who isn't planning on sleeping with me ever again.

Wowak Dork
6/3/08 4:33 p.m.
Salanis wrote: Edit: Also, I wonder what level of screening is done for all of the workers, delivery drivers, and delivered inventory at all the fast food places that come after the security checkpoints.

You don't need to worry about any of that. Rest assured that the Bennigans in the airport is serving you a steak you can't cut.

Salanis HalfDork
6/3/08 4:41 p.m.
Wowak wrote: if a terrorist does circumvent security, he can be assured that his resistance will only have bare hands to fight him with.

That's okay. I can do more damage with my bare hands than I ever could with the miniature pocket knife that I had to leave at home.

Keith GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
6/3/08 5:44 p.m.

I worked as a flight attendant for a couple of years. I haven't checked recently, but I'll bet the O2 bottles on every aircraft are still pretty easily accessible.

I don't think my wife likes to fly with me anymore, I get really pissed off by security theatre.

Jay HalfDork
6/3/08 6:25 p.m.

Well, I dunno guys... With all the evil wizards around these days who have the power to bring cartoons to life, I think asking him so politely to remove the shirt was a justifiable request. I'm glad society's best and brightest are out there protecting us from the evil wizards.


Salanis HalfDork
6/3/08 6:40 p.m.

There's a "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service" joke here somewhere. I'm just not feeling creative enough for it at the moment.

Luke HalfDork
6/3/08 11:42 p.m.

Doesn't 1st class still get metal eating implements? I'm sure they at least get metal spoons. Even a blunt spoon makes for a far more formidable weapon than a printed, fictitious gun (it wasn't even a picture of a real gun.)

Osterkraut New Reader
6/3/08 11:59 p.m.
Luke wrote: Doesn't 1st class still get metal eating implements? I'm sure they at least get metal spoons. Even a blunt spoon makes for a far more formidable weapon than a printed, fictitious gun (it wasn't even a picture of a real gun.)

E36 M3 no, son!

Shirts are a REAL danger. Why, combine one with the water easily obtained in the lavatory, and you've got a rat-tail that could EASILY split a scrotum damn near in half!

Wally GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
6/4/08 12:38 a.m.
bludroptop wrote: Quoted from the first article: "Last year Gatwick guards made a woman hand over a beef sandwich before boarding..." Damn Brits and their exploding lunchmeat.

The suspicious package was removed and it was delicious, I mean disposed of.

nickel_dime HalfDork
6/4/08 6:11 a.m.

Pre -9/11 I went to a Caribean Island for a week of diving. I always carried my regulator in my carry on so it wouldn't get lost. While going through security on my way off the island they x-rayed my bag and saw the regulator. They asked "what is that"? It's a scuba regulator.
Make it work.
Do you have a scuba tank behind the counter?
Then I can't make it work.
Oh alright, go on.

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