porksboy New Reader
5/21/08 6:44 p.m.

GRRRR! I dont care for the new site, It is very slow on my puter. I didnt have this with the old site, just the new one. I guess my 10 year old computer needs to be replaced. I have car projects that need the $$ :(

fiat22turbo GRM+ Memberand Dork
5/21/08 7:10 p.m.

Maybe a newer video card and some memory will help your system? They are usually pretty cheap (for a system that old they are likely to be free or nearly so)

What are the specs of your system? Is it a Desktop/Tower or a Laptop? Is it a generic clone or a name brand?

BTW: Clone = kit car of computers, generic parts, usually easier to upgrade. Brand name = GM of computers, similar generic parts usually with enough custom parts and software to make upgrades more difficult.

Sometimes people have found that with some effort and research they can run Linux (Fedora, RedHat, etc) on their older machines and alleviate some of the needs to upgrade (though any graphical interface aka Windows interface requires a certain amount of power to run efficiently)

Finally, I know that Baxter is working on improving the performance of the new site, but he is more focused on fixing bugs first and foremost. So I'd say, try to be patient and stick around, it will only get better from here it seams.


GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand Dork
5/23/08 10:34 a.m.

A new video card won't do a thing for web browsing, or computing speed in general. They would make your 3D games run better and look nicer.

What you could use is more memory and a better CPU. If you're running Vista you could do well with a different operating system as well. Go to Windows XP SP3 if you play games that need DirectX, or Ubuntu Linux if you don't.

Oh I see your computer is 10 years old, practically a museum piece...Xubuntu linux might do the trick, if you meet the minimum system requirements. Putting Ubuntu or XP on it would be like putting a fridge on a donkey's back, and putting Vista on it would be like dropping a tank on a hamster.

The big problem I'm having with this site is 502 errors.

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
5/23/08 11:18 a.m.

Video card COULD help, if rendering speed is the issue. Not the first place I'd look for performance, though.

Working on the 502 errors. Some of them are caused by me. Others... not sure. But working on it.

internetautomart SuperDork
5/25/08 9:10 p.m.

if you are running firefox, ad in adblocker and block all the ads, avatars, backgrounds etc. that should significantly help load speeds

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