Started on May 28 by Marty!

1997 Dodge Caravan

Drumroll please!!!! Let me introduce you to Stu. Here is my trusty and rusty 1997 Dodge Caravan. Arguably the finest vehicle ever made by the Chrysler Corp. (ever!!!) Stu had modest beginnings shuffling bratty kids around the metropolitan Madison, WI area before I found him lonely and crying sitting on a car lot some 10 years ago. At that time he had a click over 70K getting apple juice spilled and snot laden hands rubbed on his fine Corinthian tweed upholstery. Once spotted we lusted after each other until the finance manager came back with a ridiculously low offer (19.8% APR! Woo-Hoo!) I knew with a bargain like that I must have him! With Stu’s impeccable chick magnetism I knew I was making the right choice. Now with just a 162,000 gentle city driven miles his appeal has not wavered. My wife even comments about how she is only with me because of him. With his vibrant fire engine red paint with matching rusty rockers I get looks of envy from all the soccer moms driving their SUV’s knowing that I”m getting 26 MPG. 26 MPG’s you say? That’s right baby 2.4L 4 cylinder. Only the best motor for the best ride. So look but don’t touch. This ones mine, get your own. BTW don’t let the pic from my kitchen window deter you from his awesomeness. He’s bashful and runs away when I try to take his picture. I had to be on the sly for this one. Dodge Caravan, FTMFW!!!!!

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