Classic Cars articles, project cars, conversations, and more

Classic Cars News

How about some old-school cars photographed with an old-school camera?

Is an old-school 35mm camera the ideal tool for photographing old-school cars?

Need help picking your first classic car? We have a guide for that.

Before you take a leap into classic car ownership, there are a few things you should consider.

If modern cars are so great, why do we enjoy classic cars so much?

Why do we often prefer older cars over newer ones? Automotive legend and Classic Motorsports contributor Peter Brock has an idea why.

What Car Designs Have Stood the Test of Time?

Let us know what automotive lines have aged the best.

What To Consider Before Daily Driving That Classic Car

Just because you can, does that mean you should?

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Classic Cars articles

Columns: Does racing history make a car more or less valuable?

Does racing history always equal more value? Or is there more to the equation than simply time on track?

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Classic Cars Forum Topics

WTB: 2004-2007 Subaru STI with under 10,000 miles
Sights from the VAE car show yesterday
Quick Take Request - Five $2500 "Project" Cars - What would YOU pick and WHY
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