I have an AutoTap OBDII Diagnostic Scanner for sale. This was their full-use fancy-pants needs a laptop version, not the later $30 smartphone app.
It comes in a case with an OBDII plug and a USB for the PC plus all of the software. The software is very powerful and highly customizable. I've used it to data log (yes, it records) during track days and autocrosses. Full support for all makes/models.
You can customize the display to show full gauges (yes, really. Make your own LCD dash with this and have a tach, speedo, oil pressure, IAT, trans temp, etc real time) and read and clear all codes. It would take a $600+ professional tool to match what this one can do.
Asking $125 or trade for a good smallish laptop/netbook, shipped to your door. I bought it and haven't used it as I have no OBD-2 cars.