4/23/19 8:48 p.m.
And $76 for that box! It's really nice, ball bearing sides with magnetic catches....just nice and quite an upgrade from my 30+ year old craftsman chest, which I gave to the 2nd place bidder who's also my new boss so i didn't want him too sad at the loss :) The stool was a father's day present I think, it's a little burned after the fire but still pretty good for the welding station.
I think the vacuum pump retails for like $4k!....I was the only bidder and I think the only one who knew what it was so $1 made it mine. 8 am now so ready to make light weight replacement composite replacement parts.

4/26/19 7:48 p.m.
Nothing at all to do with cars but I final fired up the pizza oven I spent all last summer building

4/26/19 7:53 p.m.
It was inedible of course, burned the E36 M3 out of the bottom

Luckily it was just a $5 Walmart practice pizza and now I know not to put the fire back and throw a pizza right wear the fire was sitting. Hopefully tomorrow when the plan is to eat the pizza Lana made with her own hands and poured her love into things will go better...a lot better :)
4/26/19 11:14 p.m.
Remember: Silver dollar sized pepperonis and cook them until they curl and the edges crisp and you get that little puddle of pepperoni grease in the middle.
Absolute heaven.
Let me know when to come over.
4/28/19 6:30 a.m.
We made a real pizza last night that turned out wonderful

And some shrimp

And chicken

I still need to make a door for it a different top vent I'm told and.....but it seems to work just fine....we all pretty much rolled to bed night night but once there's a big hot fire burning it seemed such a waste to not cook stuff :)

Nice! But a word of caution: it looks like the bottle of Heineken is too close to the oven. The photo sequence is clearly showing the heat is causing evaporation.
4/28/19 2:35 p.m.
Very windy yesterday, I think 6 or 8 bottles evaporated :)
mke said:

I just want to say that this is the only build thread I've ever read where I see a picture of that kind of carnage and think "no biggie - he can sort that out no problem".
I can't wait to see how. 
5/23/19 8:15 a.m.
LOL....yes repairable and I'm chomping at the bit to get on with it
.....but spring is tough to find time. They paved the driveway last week so it's now sportscar safe

But sadly it turned out to not be water safe

They came back yesterday and filled it the low spots but I fear they just moved the problems since the real issue is they graded it wrong when they did the base last year...we'll see.
The front paver walk needs to be reset as its settled/moved a bit over the years and also needs to be raised to match the new driveway.
2 new doors for the house garage that match the new garage are being delivered Friday.
The mulching is not actually finished.
The pool plaster is pretty rough so I probably need to drain it and do some work there.
The wheel vendor is waiting on the final drawings so he can get started....but I think the price just went up 25% since I think they are subject to our jackass president's new tariffs.
.....and I need to fix the valve. Long list.
In reply to mke :
Come for the sick Ferrari hacks, stay for the pizza oven and paving stories. 
5/28/19 7:56 a.m.
Now you know why its 11 years and counting...I'm a little ADD . This week its reset the front paver walk that's settled a bit and doesn't really connect to the new driveway so it's a redo, grind the pool smooth as the aging plaster is about a 36 grit and hard on the kids feet, and trying to figure out what to do about the driveway that really wasn't done correctly.......and still haven't touched the mulch
6/1/19 4:03 p.m.
What a terrible idea grinding the plaster was.....I'm 1/2 way and my back hurts, my knees hurt, sunburn everywhere....1/2 way....
I was double checking the wheel designs and realized the rim itself didn't transfer right from the autocade file I got from the wheel place to the 3D model...almost but not right so I'm redoing that.
I now have access to a formlabs printer so I'm thinking print the dyno brake test designed on that. Hopefully I'll magically find some time over the next few weeks to lock a design I like...hopefully.

I did find a use for my slang chopping hammer I've not used in 30+years since I got my 1st MIG (not haven't really used since I got a TIG). I nearly threw it out a few times most recently when i was setting up the new tool chips old delaminated plaster nice though.
6/14/19 9:18 a.m.
Yeah, I was nothing like 1/2 finished with the pool repair. I finished the pool work last night in the rain because I frikin had it with that project and just couldn't stand to have it last another I was out bringing the last of the patched with a powertool in the pool in the rain with occasional lighting plugged into a non gfi outlet because the gfi kept popping wearing rubber gloves because the there was no question why the gfi was popping. I must have ground 50-100lbs of dead rough plaster of... horrible job, but now it's done, the water is going in and I'm not dead.

And this is why you pay someone to do the really hateful work...
Re-plastering a pool, which is normally an every 10-15 year event depending on how the pool was maintained, is back breaking work and really hot due to the reflective nature of the plaster. The normal process is to chisel all the old plaster off because at that point there isn't must worth saving and chances are really good algae has found it's way under the surface where it is protected from the chlorine and is able to grow under the surface creating a bigger mess.
Congratulations on not dying and returning the pool to full operating condition. You should be good for many more years.
6/14/19 9:44 a.m.
I'm hoping for 3-4 more years. The pool is 12 and the plaster really wasn't done very well from the get go so it's on borrowed time I think....but patch and grind cost me about $300 compared to the replaster quotes were in the $7k-10k range.....and I have a car waiting on parts money so no way I was spending elsewhere before baby is cared for :)
6/25/19 7:45 a.m.
Still tied up with Lana work but was playing with the latest version of Dynomation....and I lost 100hp 
.....I need to figureout what the plan for a dyno is exactly.

6/27/19 7:35 a.m.
I should have added that engine sim was done on the new (to me, thank you ebay) shop computer...a surface pro 6 that is small enough for me to throw in my bag and to car stuff at my desk at lunch time without incurring the rath of the IT nazis, who are actually very nice about saying no to any and all unauthorized software on company computers.
This as also allowed wheel work to continue as I try to resolve a few little details. The center of the OEM wheels has a raised boss that holds the center cap/emblem that is needed to clear the front wheel bearings/cap. These wheels basically have a spacer built onto the back to clear the F430 brakes and easily clear the bearing but I thought the raised ares was needed to have them look "right" so I added what will fit on the forging, way shorted than OEM but enough for the effect I think so I'm happy with it.
I also pulled the wheel bolt seating area out much closed to the surface. OEM the cane starts on the surface which kind of determines where the wheel bolts sit and how they look. I have lots of depth so best design function and weight wise is to sink the seats about 30mm....but it looks wrong so I pulled them up to 5mm. I still need to double check exactly how much length I need into the hubs and compare to available bolt lengths to be certain I have a working design but it should be close as I know I can get up to 80mm long OEM looking bolts which leaves me about 22mm which should be plenty an they basically come in 5mm sets so shorter is no problem...but I want to be sure since I can't send these back if I get it wrong.
I think I have all the important stuff like bead seats and offsets correct now so its down to the small details and double checking but hopefully I can order them this week.

Then on the shop front I had a very unexpected conversation with Lana last night....she was shopping for an hvac system for the shop and wanted to know if what she found would work. As she tries to finish up the last few things in the bathroom/changing room (which she considers hers because there is a door to HER patio) so she's ready to PARTY! she's realized it gets frikin hot in there in the summer so it's either buy a wall AC unit knowing it will get replaced or bite the bullet and get the shop system. So we talked about BTUs and zones and SEER ratings and why each one matters...really strange 
6/27/19 9:47 a.m.
forgot, my father's day present was the honor of installing garage doors on the house to match the shop....well mostly installing. They are up and work but still waiting trim because I'm supposed to figure out some light over the doors in the casing like I did in the new garage and I don't really have an answer due to header location.....but an answer is required I'm told. It's mostly off my to-do list though and I think I can pretty much ignore it until fall.
The father's day part I guess is that I decide it was finally time I own a cordless tool or 2 so I treated myself to a drill and 1/4" impact drive.

Quality cordless tools area life altering... If you're in to that kind of thing.
Li Ion and bushless deigns are the way to go if you can spare the change. Lighter, small in size, longer running and more powerful not to mention longer life span. Some people are even bailing on their air impacts and switching to cordless. No cord to deal with and in many cases, more umph!
6/27/19 12:03 p.m.
My new boss used to run the dewalt cordless engineering group and convinced me my attachment to cords was foolish....he was right. I couldn't believe how nice the 1/4" impact was for the door install, turns out that is the job it was specifically design for or so he says. I did the dewalt XR stuff which is brushless and Li ion with larger battery options....really nice to use.
...and yes I now have the 1/2" impact on my list things the air wrench is probably a dinosaur too. ....and a circ saw....and a reciprocating tools are all 20+ years old anyway, its time.
I have that same 1/4" impact - I use it more than literally any other tool. Welcome to the future.
Nice work on the garage/house, looks like things are really coming together.
6/27/19 12:16 p.m.
I use the Snap-On micro-lithium ratchets and impacts pretty much exclusively at work now. No dragging air lines around the car is pretty awesome.
Doubt they will ever be able to make a cordless air hammer though. :)
ShawnG said:
I use the Snap-On micro-lithium ratchets and impacts pretty much exclusively at work now. No dragging air lines around the car is pretty awesome.
Doubt they will ever be able to make a cordless air hammer though. :)
Wait for it... Cordless rotary hammer drills are already a thing...
6/28/19 8:25 a.m.
It occurred to me this morning the wheels probably should have valve stems. A quick look showed me that in my quest for weight reduction I basically eliminated the surface where the OEM stem goes....but it looks like it JUST fits on the rim ID.
Drawings off to chine for a quote. Yay! something car related of my to-do list!

7/1/19 7:22 a.m.
China says 25-30 days delivery and under $2k to my door so challe g budget for 2019 is spent it looks like.
Trying to find out if the quote includes paint or powder coat, they said they can do either but I'm not sure if its quoted. Also trying to find out how hot the powder coat is and if it softens the wheel.....I want powder but don't want bent wheels.
Next comes the challenge of getting the PO approved before I've actually sold my old wheels, Lana frowns on the behavior.