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mazdeuce UberDork
12/13/13 3:17 p.m.

I made a mistake. When I was rolling the other day and I didn't want to lose momentum I sent my wife a message and asked her to order me up a dumpster. I told her a big one. She got me a big one. I should have said to get the largest one that they can legally transport. Yesterday a 10 yard dumpster arrived and I promptly and neatly filled it.
The problem is that I still have this left. Really though, even with a dumpster twice as big I still would have filled it and needed another. At the end of the day I'm not upset. Especially since it was my fault.
By cleaning up what I did I was able to get down to a clean bare slab. I could start building tomorrow if I wanted to, but I'm going to wait until after the new year.
I have a lot of organizing to do it the part of the garage that's still standing at I have things like cutting off rebar to do before I start putting up the walls again.

TRoglodyte Dork
12/13/13 3:42 p.m.

Straighten out the rebar and start laying cement blocks?

Ian F
Ian F UltimaDork
12/13/13 4:30 p.m.

Go ahead and degrease and acid-etch the slab while it's easy to rinse.

mazdeuce SuperDork
12/13/13 4:52 p.m.
Ian F wrote: Go ahead and degrease and acid-etch the slab while it's easy to rinse.

What's the best procedure for that?

Kenny_McCormic UltraDork
12/13/13 5:03 p.m.

It would appear you live outside of city limits and have a big pile of untreated lumber to dispose of. Bonfire?

mazdeuce PowerDork
12/13/13 6:09 p.m.

My personal relationship with fire makes burning an option I'd rather not persue. Long story, ambulance, that sort of thing. Dumpster is just fine.

irish44j UberDork
12/13/13 8:16 p.m.

I am so insanely jealous of the amount of space you have, as I stand in my garage typing this, after trying unsuccessfully to extract my engine hoist from the wall where it is pinned in by my e21, which is sitting on jackstands with no front suspension. Even with my wife's truck in the driveway (and the second bay "open" it still seems annoyingly crowded in here......with no room to ever expand due to how my house sits...

Slippery GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
12/13/13 8:21 p.m.
mazdeuce wrote:
Ian F wrote: Go ahead and degrease and acid-etch the slab while it's easy to rinse.
What's the best procedure for that?

I am not 100% sure, but I believe this is what I did before epoxying my garage floor:

Spray a 3:1 mix of muriatic acid and water. I used one of those pesticide sprayers from HD that have the pump handle.

I then put a bunch of baking soda on the floor. And afterwards just hosed it all off.

mazdeuce UltraDork
12/14/13 8:09 a.m.

In reply to irish44j:

It is an OK sized building, but the access to it bothers me. If the long side were open I'd have a four car garage, instead I have two two car garages stacked together. As excited as I am about the space inside, I'm just as excited about the plans for the outside. Along the far side of the building I'm going to put a leanto. That will give me additional covered parking that is 18x45 feet.

Ian F
Ian F UltimaDork
12/14/13 8:27 a.m.


So I guess the plan is to take out a bunch of those trees in the left of the pictures?

Damn... it looks like Griot's isn't selling their epoxy floor paint any more. There used to be a nice testing and prep page. Anyway... there's a ton of info on garagejournal. Example:


Rad_Capz HalfDork
12/14/13 8:36 a.m.

Great progress! Having read "hurricane season" earlier in the thread I'd think twice before cutting the rebar.

mazdeuce SuperDork
12/14/13 9:11 a.m.

I'll be drilling and putting in appropriate anchors for the walls. The rebar is just mangled and it will be easier to cut it off, build the wall, and anchor it. My house is built the same way by the same guy so I've been down this road before.
I have to take out five or six trees behind the garage including a big oak that makes me sad, and one HUGE pine that is 10 feet in front of the garage and right in the center of the door. I could in theory work around it, but life will be a lot easier with it gone. I'll go over all of it when it happens. I need to pay someone to take down the big trees. I have my limits.

Ian F
Ian F UltimaDork
12/14/13 12:49 p.m.

In reply to mazdeuce:

Yeah... if there's a chance the tree could fall in a seriously wrong direction, it's better to leave it to the pros (and ones with insurance in case they get it wrong). I'm in a similar boat - I need to take down three decent sized trees along the back edge of my property if my shop plans go through. I know it won't be cheap to have done, but between the safety and time (pros can do in a day what would take me weeks working alone) it'll be money well spent.

mazdeuce UberDork
12/15/13 10:47 a.m.

My wife suggested that the garage looked like a big flashing sign that said "STEAL MY E36 M3!" She thought it might be prudent to button things up for when we travel over the holidays. With that in mind I spent 45 minutes picking through the scraps and screwing things in place. It's not Fort Knox, but it should keep honest people honest. The boys are enjoying the smooth concrete.

nepa03focus Reader
12/15/13 11:23 a.m.

This is an exciting read for all of us with no garage or room to put one up. Keep up the good work!

mazdeuce PowerDork
1/9/14 3:48 p.m.

Two trees need to come down, they're going to land right where I have piles of stuff. I ordered a 20 yard dumpster this time. It's almost full and the yard isn't empty. I was cleaning up the 'old pile' and it was a bit like archaeology. Stuff from cleaning out the garage on top. Some projects with the kids. The bathroom remodel. The kitchen sort of remodel. The stuff from the first clean of the garage. It was cool. I told my wife about it. Her comment was, "Ten years of E36 M3 in a pile in the yard isn't cool, it's infuriating."
OK then. Back to work.

AngryCorvair GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
1/10/14 9:15 a.m.
Kenny_McCormic wrote: It would appear you live outside of city limits and have a big pile of untreated lumber to dispose of. Bonfire?

great minds, or just detroiters, think alike? i say close dumpster, ignite contents, ?, profit.

Adrian_Thompson PowerDork
1/10/14 9:31 a.m.
AngryCorvair wrote:
Kenny_McCormic wrote: It would appear you live outside of city limits and have a big pile of untreated lumber to dispose of. Bonfire?
great minds, or just detroiters, think alike? i say close dumpster, ignite contents, ?, profit.

Being a Brit, I say save it all for November 5th Prior to ignition

cdowd Reader
1/10/14 9:32 a.m.

In reply to mazdeuce:

That is about the response my wife would give as well. keep up the progress it will be very nice when it is finished.

mazdeuce UberDork
1/14/14 11:13 a.m.

Tree guy is here. Unfortunately the big pine tree fell about three feet too far to the left and landed right in the crotch of an oak tree that I didn't necessarily want gone. That big splinter sticking up is the oak tree. More room to park I guess and since he had to take it down, it was free. Which is sort of nice I suppose. I put the tape measure on the cut base of the pine before he started cutting it up and it was 90 feet to the crown. It was a very big tree. As soon as he gets that cut up there is only one more to come down and then it's building time! First boards up this weekend? Hopefully.

wvumtnbkr GRM+ Memberand Dork
1/14/14 11:15 a.m.

Good work!

Sorry for the oak.

Maybe it will hang out with the Prince of VIR in tree heaven?

Rob R.

Powar SuperDork
1/14/14 11:23 a.m.

One day, you should post pics of that Range Rover science project in the background of your photos.

Dusterbd13 Dork
1/14/14 3:13 p.m.

i hate losing trees.....

looking forward to seeing new lumber going up.

and you should check with local sawmills to see if you can get your trees turned into pretty large posts for the new garage. should be cheap.

that, and the new posts made out of your trees would just be cool.

Kenny_McCormic UltraDork
1/14/14 3:18 p.m.
AngryCorvair wrote:
Kenny_McCormic wrote: It would appear you live outside of city limits and have a big pile of untreated lumber to dispose of. Bonfire?
great minds, or just detroiters, think alike? i say close dumpster, ignite contents, ?, profit.

I think burning stuff is just a popular Michigan activity.

DaveEstey PowerDork
1/14/14 3:30 p.m.
Dusterbd13 wrote: i hate losing trees..... looking forward to seeing new lumber going up. and you should check with local sawmills to see if you can get your trees turned into pretty large posts for the new garage. should be cheap. that, and the new posts made out of your trees would just be cool.

Would have to be dried first. Wouldn't fit his timeline.

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