Howdy there, internet friends! You may think it's just a boring old Thursday, but today is a special day. It is the fourth anniversary of me taking possession of this glorious train-wreck of a project.
As I usually do, I'd like to take stock. First, a quick update on where it stands.
Giant mess in the workshop right now:
Having the hood and the car separately taking up floor space definitely makes things cramped. I would love to get some of the car outside, but Colorado has decided winter is pretty fun this year. It was 5 deg F when I dropped my daughters at school this morning. So inside will have to do.
The actual update isn't very interesting. Surprise surprise, I'm grinding more spider cracks. Front D/S here:
Passenger's side is more fix than original right now. I'm having to be really careful to sand down carefully and keep that original body line:
Now a bit of a recap:
Last year I had great plans for a first start. Joe TR6 came by to lend a hand but ultimately we were rebuked. Likely too-big clutch/flywheel in the bell-housing is the culprit. I've got a fancy new Miata clutch and flywheel to try, so this will likely get off the back burner pretty soon.
I spent a lot of this year focused on making the sunroof filler mold and then making a crap-ton of sunroof panels for other TVR owners. I was happy to get to do that, and it was a good way to get my composite skills re-energized. Helped to refill the project piggy-bank a little too.
Then it was on to body repairs. Yay. This one is going to take a while, but I'm getting thru it and trying not to be frustrated. My plan is to get the hood moved along pretty well and then start messing with hood hinge brackets.
Biggest trouble I've had this last year is actually health-related. I've mentioned this a little before, but not really the extent of the problem. My back has bugged me for a long time, and that's not gotten better. Larger problem for the last few years is with joint pain in other places. My elbows are screaming today. Earlier it was my knees. Sometimes it's terrible leg cramps in the middle of the night. Regardless of where, it's almost always on both sides, and presents a lot like rheumatoid arthritis, but all the tests are negative for that. I'll be getting some nerve tests in a couple weeks, so hopefully the doc will figure something out. This has all been a real struggle for many parts of my life. I'm hoping by next year I'll be able to say I've made some positive progress in this area.
Best things of the year? I do love that silly-light carbon roof I made myself. The fact that my younger daughter loved helping with those was the best part. Getting to visit Stu and Michael and their wonderful families in NC was just great. I had a total blast at the Challenge with Stampie, my cousin Kirk, and all the other guys on the team. I'll be back for sure!
Downsides? Mostly just slow progress and feeling sore all the time.
The take-away: I could have bought a functional decent 2500M years ago, but what fun would that be?
Throw me a thumbs up if you're not exhausted by four years of my trials and tribulations. Thanks as always for the advice and friendship!