Budget first
previously was 2840.99
new money:
blower motor and resistor and epoxy: 69.99
4 cans SEM medium grey: 59.97
mode door actuator: 40
new total: 3110.95
so, the AC took a dump. Blower motor quit being reliable. And it barely blew through the vents.
Step one was remove broken dash.
20180618_192335 by Michael Crawford, on Flickr
step 2 was remove blower motor and resistor, vacuum box out, spray coil cleaner a few times and flush with water hose.
20180620_081228 by Michael Crawford, on Flickr
20180620_081223 by Michael Crawford, on Flickr
I swapped to a 99 escalade blower motor in the process, as well as pulled part of a wal-mart bag out of the HVAC box.
I then took a while cleaneing, prepping, and epoxying the seperate pieces of dash into one structure again.
20180619_082309 by Michael Crawford, on Flickr
I then prepped, fit, tweaked, refit, tweaked, refit, reprepped, glued, and clamped the accu form dash cap down.
20180619_163329 by Michael Crawford, on Flickr
20180619_163339 by Michael Crawford, on Flickr
without every clamp I own (after adhesive cured)
20180620_071913 by Michael Crawford, on Flickr
20180620_071924 by Michael Crawford, on Flickr
a few light coats of sem medium grey later
20180620_145040 by Michael Crawford, on Flickr
20180620_145030 by Michael Crawford, on Flickr
I recolored the rest of the dash pieces prior to re installation. Also, this picture doesn't show the rest of the interior out. The greys don't match, and I needed to redo the headliner and add sound deadening and insulation. It also doesn't show the mode door actuator that died in the making of this post.
20180620_211052 by Michael Crawford, on Flickr
20180624_173546 by Michael Crawford, on Flickr
still need to figure out why the bottom piece doesn't fit anymore, and why the ashtray wont stay closed.
Remember: we are privileged to have our problems today.