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oldeskewltoy SuperDork
5/19/14 1:24 p.m.

OMFG...... really?

boy some in this thread are self righteous berkeleying pig heads...

"Take it to a 'safe' place...." A car is 2500+#s on 3 or 4 contact patches that are smaller then a typical males foot....

Well that "safe" place doesn't allow that beater car... its too dangerous for the track... but the street... sure why not

The Pinto driver with bald tires doesn't need highway speeds to kill me...

An don't get me started on pickem up truck drivers who regret their decision to purchase their image of a phallic symbol and now accelerate off a light like there is C4 strapped under the right pedal.....

SVreX MegaDork
5/19/14 1:32 p.m.

In reply to Vigo:

You are being dishonest.

Your motivation for ignoring the laws is not motivated by your desire to make the world a better place, and enable everyone to be a driving god like you.

Your motivation is based only on selfishishness, and an anarchistic and rebellious desire to not be governed (by yourself, or others).

I was just like you.

What you seem to not understand is that the road is not yours. It belongs to the public.

I agree with you that there are a lot of bone-head drivers out there. THAT'S THE POINT.

The public roads are owned by the public bone-head drivers, not you. You will not improve drivers by your arrogance and lack of willingness to include yourself in a society governed by laws. You are not better than them. They will STILL be bad drivers, and there is NOTHING you can do about it. When the time comes, you will not be in control of the situation, and you are just as capable of killing someone as any of us. The odds are greatly increased when you are hooning.

If you are in fact a better driver than most, then you have proved my point. That is EXACTLY the reason to respect the other drivers by driving in a manner they can work with. Same reason you don't pitch 100 mph fastballs to 4 year olds.

My grandfather died in his 90's. He was never in an accident, after 85 years of driving. But he CAUSED a lot of accidents. I witnessed him cause 4, including 1 with fatalities the night of my HS graduation. Always related to speed and his stubborn arrogance. He intimidated other drivers, which made them make mistakes. Then he stood at the scene and complained about their poor driving skills.

My grandfather talked about his driving a lot like you do.

alfadriver PowerDork
5/19/14 1:41 p.m.
oldeskewltoy wrote: OMFG...... really? boy some in this thread are self righteous berkeleying pig heads... "Take it to a 'safe' place...." A car is 2500+#s on 3 or 4 contact patches that are smaller then a typical males foot.... Well that "safe" place doesn't allow that beater car... its too dangerous for the track... but the street... sure why not The Pinto driver with bald tires doesn't need highway speeds to kill me... An don't get me started on pickem up truck drivers who regret their decision to purchase their image of a phallic symbol and now accelerate off a light like there is C4 strapped under the right pedal.....

Why do people equate driving skill with driving safe? One may be a subset of the other, but being safe does not always mean skillful.

Here's a different way to look at it- you want to use a gun to protect you and your family.

So you could just get one, and keep it in a safe place. More than likely, you will never use it, but if you did, you probably could be competent, and may hurt other people. This is like being in a car wreck where you still crash, but the result isn't that bad compared to just driving in the wall.

Or you can learn to use it.

First, just shoot it off in public. That will simulate exactly how you would use it if there was an emergency.

Second, you could take it to a small rage, learn the basics, and probably up to some even competition driving. That way, when the time comes, you will be ready.

Third, join a group and/club that supports that and more shooting. You can become one of the better in the world at it.

Fourth- join the police or military- that way you get paid to know how to use it, and you become part of the best gun handlers in the world. But for some, the intent isn't to protect, but to be the offense.

So, real world, basic autocross, club/track days, or pro driving.

Driving proficency really only protects you from getting into a worse situation. The question is- do you want to find that edge in public, or in private with instruction?

Not making a judgement, but I do think the gun comparison is pretty valid.

kb58 HalfDork
5/19/14 2:03 p.m.

Read the first post in this thread, then the second, then jumped to the last page. Yup, slid down the embankment about as expected.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo MegaDork
5/19/14 2:18 p.m.
kb58 wrote: Read the first post in this thread, then the second, then jumped to the last page. Yup, slid down the embankment about as expected.

But you missed the "nyuck-nyucks" on pages 2 and 3. I'm just here for the entertainment.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
5/19/14 2:19 p.m.
N Sperlo wrote:
kb58 wrote: Read the first post in this thread, then the second, then jumped to the last page. Yup, slid down the embankment about as expected.
But you missed the "nyuck-nyucks" on pages 2 and 3. I'm just here for the entertainment.

Wait... they aren't all jokes? Ohhhh! You almost had me there! Nice one!

JFX001 UltraDork
5/19/14 2:24 p.m.

I crossed the double yellow line this morning by passing a slow moving truck...but I didn't break the speed limit.

Appleseed MegaDork
5/19/14 2:29 p.m.

Yup...bout time to kill this E36 M3 thread...m'hmm.

Beer Baron
Beer Baron UltimaDork
5/19/14 2:59 p.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: One of the least mature things I've ever done on a public road happened over the weekend. In a nearby cul de sac, I demonstrated hoola-hoop use to my niece, nephew and friends. Not only was this display of immaturity on a public road it but it clearly influenced several children into trying the same thing.

Well, maybe "mature" is the wrong way to describe people here. But you at least take responsibility for being immature.

Bobzilla PowerDork
5/19/14 3:18 p.m.

I considered doing donuts in the elementary school parking lot while smoking a cigarette drinking a bud while waiving around a handgun and randomly shooting into the air then smashing into a parked car and leaving the scene before the po-po showed up. But then I just went to work instead and drove about 5-10 over the speed limit keeping a safe following distance from the cars around me. I think I even used my turn signals for all my lane changes.

It sucks getting old.

rcutclif GRM+ Memberand Reader
5/19/14 3:28 p.m.

semi- related question for the other noodles on here.

I've noticed that most people are ok to speed (break the law by driving faster than the speed limit), yet most of those same people will wait 2 minutes at a red light at 2 am with no other cars around.

Both speeding and 'stopping, looking and running' a red light are equally illegal (i.e. they are both illegal), yet most will do one and not the other. To make matters worse, running the red light may frequently actually save more time than speeding.

If (you/they/we) speed, why don't (you/we/they) also run red lights?

Duke UltimaDork
5/19/14 3:45 p.m.

Because a moderate speeding violation does not involve ignoring a clear signal used to determine legal and safe right-of-way.

yamaha UltimaDork
5/19/14 3:50 p.m.
carbon wrote: "you don't talk about it on forums" What's up with the whole "dont talk about going fast on the street" thing? Don't tell me that 90% of the people here dont go hard on the street from time to time. I mean I get it, keep it safe, keep it on the track and all that but, it seems like people are hypocritical about it. Are you really telling me you have a favorite road to creep down, going the speed limit, with non enthusiasts in smart cars up your ass wishing you'd get out of their way? I'm not saying that there should be a street racing section on here, just that people should lighten up a bit. It seems like every once in a while someone will say something and the next three posts are people going off on them " I know you're new here but we arent cool with people who go fast on the tail of the dragon". Who knows maybe I'll be ostracized, but it seems to me if you dont like what people have to say, change the channel.

Some groups don't want their reputation to end up tarnished if something were to ever happen. Most boards I'm part of are that way and it is disallowed. It protects them from any "liability" in todays world of suehappiness as well.

Personally, I just hit 160mph a week and a half ago roll racing a turbo zx10......he vanishing pointed me.

rcutclif GRM+ Memberand Reader
5/19/14 4:01 p.m.
Duke wrote: Because a moderate speeding violation does not involve ignoring a clear signal used to determine legal and safe right-of-way.

but it does involve ignoring a clear signal used to determine legal and safe vehicle speed.

Maybe a better question is why do we hold right of way as more important that speed?

MrJoshua PowerDork
5/19/14 4:10 p.m.
rcutclif wrote:
Duke wrote: Because a moderate speeding violation does not involve ignoring a clear signal used to determine legal and safe right-of-way.
but it does involve ignoring a clear signal used to determine legal and safe vehicle speed. Maybe a better question is why do we hold right of way as more important that speed?

Because one is a gradient and one is yes or no. Yes I do treat non responsive traffic signals as stop signs.

wbjones UltimaDork
5/19/14 7:24 p.m.
rcutclif wrote: semi- related question for the other noodles on here. I've noticed that most people are ok to speed (break the law by driving faster than the speed limit), yet most of those same people will wait 2 minutes at a red light at 2 am with no other cars around. Both speeding and 'stopping, looking and running' a red light are equally illegal (i.e. they are both illegal), yet most will do one and not the other. To make matters worse, running the red light may frequently actually save more time than speeding. If (you/they/we) speed, why don't (you/we/they) also run red lights?

lots of places have cameras ?

ThunderCougarFalconGoat Reader
5/19/14 7:35 p.m.

The fine is usually higher for running a light than a couple of miles per hour over the limit.

It always comes down to the money

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
5/19/14 9:24 p.m.
MrJoshua wrote:
rcutclif wrote:
Duke wrote: Because a moderate speeding violation does not involve ignoring a clear signal used to determine legal and safe right-of-way.
but it does involve ignoring a clear signal used to determine legal and safe vehicle speed. Maybe a better question is why do we hold right of way as more important that speed?
Because one is a gradient and one is yes or no. Yes I do treat non responsive traffic signals as stop signs.

It's an interesting question. I do sit there like a dolt in my car but I pause and go on a bike. Especially at night. Because getting run over at a stop sign on a motorcycle is the stuff of nightmares and I live in dui central.

whenry New Reader
5/20/14 7:26 a.m.

The major thing that I learned in my racing that is applicable for the streets is how and when to use my brakes. Anyone can press the gas pedal.

yamaha UltimaDork
5/20/14 7:45 a.m.

In reply to Giant Purple Snorklewacker:

Yep, I'm thrilled that Indiana finally passed a law allowing motorcycles to do this.

old_gregg New Reader
5/20/14 8:59 a.m.

I used to follow all traffic laws, like all the other clueless sheep out there, but then I heard this and it changed my life:




Now I understand how things REALLY work on the road so I can operate beyond the limits designed for lesser drivers. Also, since hearing the above lecture, I have yet to receive a speeding ticket because local law enforcement knows "what's up".

N Sperlo
N Sperlo MegaDork
5/20/14 9:08 a.m.

In reply to old_gregg:

rotard Dork
5/20/14 9:23 a.m.

Golden Rule: It's only wrong if you get caught.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo MegaDork
5/20/14 9:26 a.m.

In reply to old_gregg:

These guys had a fantastic gig going. I bet people were sitting in their cars late for work just to listen to this E36 M3. berkeleying fantastic.

EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand Mod Squad
5/20/14 9:39 a.m.

I couldn't make it through the first video.

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