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Per Schroeder
Per Schroeder Technical Editor/Advertising Director
8/26/09 4:41 p.m.

But we are OK with late entries until about September 15th. then things get tougher.

Please send your chit in.

aussiesmg Dork
8/26/09 8:07 p.m.

Sent it in today as promised.....It's in the mail

jwdmotorsports HalfDork
8/26/09 8:27 p.m.

aussiesmg: are you still on track to bring the car we talked about almost a year ago when I picked up the fly wheel?

AutoXR Reader
8/27/09 12:29 p.m.

Sent in my crap and booked my room...

poopshovel SuperDork
8/27/09 2:36 p.m.

Squeezing one out right now. Hope you like the smell of whiskey and hot sauce.

miatame2 New Reader
8/27/09 3:22 p.m.

We had an "OH E36 M3!" moment Monday night when we realized we only had 5 weeks to finish our vehicle and the front is still on jack stands after 2 months and the axle is still in the garage!...and no we haven't been doing other projects in the mean time!

We are screwed but we'll get there somehow. Registration is in the mail tomorrow.

FWIW I got a better rate using AAA. It was $91.20 for the first two nights and $103.20 for the last two. Do it up!

-Jeff H&S Racing

Per Schroeder
Per Schroeder Technical Editor/Advertising Director
8/28/09 5:25 a.m.

did you still register in our block of rooms?

aussiesmg Dork
8/28/09 5:38 a.m.
jwdmotorsports wrote: aussiesmg: are you still on track to bring the car we talked about almost a year ago when I picked up the fly wheel?

I can't remember which one that was PM me

GUNDY Reader
8/28/09 8:54 a.m.

In reply to Per Schroeder:

I made the descission to come even if I have to come by myself.

I just made the hotel reservation and they still have rooms and are honnoring the GRM rate off $104.00 for each of the 3 nights, but AAA is having a special at that time of 20% off, that is $91.20 for Thur and $103.20 for Fri & Sat.

Per, I am going to bring the blue/faded to silver/black primer MR2 from the 2003/2004/2005 challenge and run exhibition just so I have something to play with.

I hope Steve is able to be there again this year as I want him to drive the car again as we have been making changes per his recommendations.

I will get the entry form out soon, does it still have to be as detailed since I am not running for trophy?

seeker589 New Reader
8/28/09 8:08 p.m.
wheels777 wrote: As much as you hated the Bug last year.......you may want to start drinking on Tuesday.

Oh, Per -

Just start a good buzz on the previous Sunday and keep it going through the whole event. It'll be MUCH easier that way.

Do you have anti anxiety medicine?

Just some love from a somewhat "inside-the-Nelson-compound" source.

I must say - the Beetle was very cool - this years entry is UBER-very cool!

As far as me coming - I'm planning on it. But my home is on the market and we are shopping. it could just happen that we may need to move that weekend - depending on how things play out. I'm gonna have to mooch a ride from someone and try and mooch some floor space in a camper or hotel room.

Any takers?

BoneYard_Racing New Reader
9/3/09 9:27 p.m.

Team BYR is down from 6 people to 2 work sucks Can anybody recommend a cheaper hotel somewhat close by or spare some floor space? Can the cars be left at the track Friday night?

miatame2 New Reader
9/4/09 1:07 p.m.

If I didn't already have two sleeping on the floor I'd offer you some space. There isn't much around there and the ability to walk/stumble/crawl back to your room is a good thing.

Yes you can leave the Challenger at the track. It is behind a locked gate but it wouldn't take much for trouble makers to get in...but then again we are talking about $2000 cars here...

SVreX SuperDork
9/4/09 2:25 p.m.


You've got mail.

dyintorace GRM+ Memberand Dork
9/4/09 2:30 p.m.

Per - what is the cost for spectating/banquet access?

BoneYard_Racing New Reader
9/4/09 3:32 p.m.
miatame2 wrote: If I didn't already have two sleeping on the floor I'd offer you some space. There isn't much around there and the ability to walk/stumble/crawl back to your room is a good thing. Yes you can leave the Challenger at the track. It is behind a locked gate but it wouldn't take much for trouble makers to get in...but then again we are talking about $2000 cars here...

Elaborate on being able to stumble back to your room? In our case we're talking about an $893.99 car as of now, Im not sure if Id be more upset about the free Monza or free Blazer being destroyed

seeker589 New Reader
9/7/09 9:47 a.m.

Change of plans on my part -

Not gonna be able to attend again - responsable adulthood just stinks sometimes.

One of these years I'll get back down there.

jwdmotorsports HalfDork
9/7/09 8:49 p.m.

I know my entry form is late but it's going out in the mail tomorrow.

jwdmotorsports HalfDork
9/8/09 9:13 a.m.

Has anybody stayed at the La Quinta in Gainesville? How bad is it? I have it booked for Thursday night.

I'm staying at the Hampton Inn Friday and Saturday night for free on hhonors points (didn't have enough points for 3 nights).

oldtin New Reader
9/8/09 10:04 a.m.

Dropped the entry form in the mail this weekend.

Pseudosport New Reader
9/8/09 12:17 p.m.

Finally sent out the form today. Sorry for the delay.

Nashco SuperDork
9/8/09 1:21 p.m.

You should have received my entry form, or will shortly if you haven't. The AWD Fiero hybrid will be there. To the pro drivers who want to drive something weird...I suggest you bring your narrowest driving shoes, this car has four pedals.


miatame2 New Reader
9/8/09 2:10 p.m.
Nashco wrote: this car has four pedals.



miatame2 New Reader
9/8/09 2:11 p.m.
dyintorace wrote: Per - what is the cost for spectating/banquet access?

A sack of nuts (stainless of course) and 30 seconds of the truffle shuffle.

SVreX SuperDork
9/8/09 3:22 p.m.
jwdmotorsports wrote: Has anybody stayed at the La Quinta in Gainesville? How bad is it? I have it booked for Thursday night. I'm staying at the Hampton Inn Friday and Saturday night for free on hhonors points (didn't have enough points for 3 nights).

I think that is the place I stayed one year. It wasn't bad- a little dated, and certainly not the swankiest joint in town, but OK. Ask for a suite. If I remember right, they actually gave us a place that was like a one bedroom apartment (separate bedroom, living room/ dining area/ kitchen combo room) for like $10 bucks extra per night.

Sofa King
Sofa King New Reader
9/9/09 10:35 a.m.

Sent my entry yesterday. We will be bringing 2 cars. The second registration will be sent separately. Booked the room a couple of weeks ago.

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