The 325ix I'm hopefully looking at this week needs new front control arms and bushings according to the seller's mechanic. Quotes from either the seller's mechanic or our local specialist seem to hover around a grand, so the question is - how hard are these to change (especially the bushings, but assuming I'm going to replace both the bushing and its mount)? Any special tools needed?
Not sure if they're much different from a regular e30 or not, but for a regular e30 you just change the bushing inside the "lollipop", and you'll need a press for that (or a very deft hand with the hammer). Suggest freeze the bushing in advance, it slides in easier.
For the balljoints, you can actually replace them - Moog makes replacement parts. Again, you'll need a press with appropriate press collars though.
You can rent a ball joint press at AZ, and probably press the bushings with a big vise. You will also likely need a 1/2" breaker bar to get the arms off and a torque wrench to put them back on correctly. Should take you a Saturday at most.
Only way I have to press stuff in and out is with a vise and adapters. Guess is should check some of the smaller machine shops around here if they're able to do the pressing in and out.
I don't mind buying new lollipops if that simplifies the job. Torque wrench, breaker bars etc are already cluttering up the garage.
What's the opinion on using M3 bushings instead of the regular ones?
if you have 254 hours to read through my build thread, I did a write up of installing all of this stuff on my e30, including some tricks to get the balljoints out (but not in) without a press, etc...(admittedly, other peoples' tricks that I copied).