Lots of people ask how to get sponsorship on a race car. Well, I just got one yesterday, so let me share what I did.
Step one: Write a good email
"Hey NBPT Brewing,
I have a team of miscreants preparing a 24 hours of LeMons (https://www.24hoursoflemons.com/) race car themed after the second Mad Max movie. Our event is the Halloween Hooptiefest Oct 25-26th at New Hampshire Motor Speedway. It's a great event and gets a surprising amount of media coverage, including action in Car and Driver magazine.
We're trying to be authentic (within reason) with this vehicle, even to the point of converting it to right hand drive as it would have been in Australia. Sadly, we couldn't get a Ford Falcon shipped from kangaroo land, so we got a 1991 Ford Mustang instead. That's close, right? Oh yeah, we also ripped out the engine and installed a six cylinder powerplant from a 1978 Datsun 280Z. Writing this all out makes me think we may be a little off kilter...
OK that's the (too much) background, here's the "why should I not mark this as spam" part. If you're familiar with the movie, Max has two tanks in the back of the car for extra gas. I've attached a picture for reference. I'm hoping you have a couple damaged kegs that are no longer serviceable that I could either buy or borrow for the event to mount in the back of the car. The rattier the better. No, we won't be putting anything in them as that wouldn't meet safety standards. They just need to look badass.
Sounds awesome right?
Anyway, let me know if you have anything like that or even something you think would be a cool addition. If you wanted to treat the kegs as advertising space, feel free. Want to include some beer? We're awfully fond of the Green Head IPA. Want to come to the track and hang out with us during the race? You got it - I'll even pay for a couple infield passes. Want me to leave you alone? Why you gotta be so rude.
Cheers, Dave Estey"
Photo attachment:
Step 2: Wait for a response. In this case about 13 minutes.
"Hey Dave,
Sounds awesome. We can loan you two kegs you just have to promise to return them as we rent them and they cost us per month.
And I'll throw in a case of Green Head so you guys are well lubricated.
Cheers! Chris"
Step 3: Wonder why you never asked before.
Remember, if you don't ask, you don't get.