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Turboeric GRM+ Memberand New Reader
4/11/12 10:28 a.m.
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote: I mean, i understand they want a VIN, but i KNOW they can order things without a VIN. Mazda can do it, and Toyota has done it for me in the past. I'm very sorry i don't have a VIN, so i'll give you every piece of information you need, even part numbers, and they still wouldn't order me anything. Jackasses.

Actually, I've had the same experience with Mazda. My car's a bit of a Frankenstein too, and I've had their parts people refuse to order in parts without a VIN (which would generate the wrong part). I finally found the right parts guy, who recognized that I knew more about Miata parts than they do. Now that they know me, it's fine, but it took a few years.

unevolved Dork
4/11/12 10:34 a.m.

I had a lot of fun experiences with parts guys when we were building the VG30 Miata.

"What car?"

"1992 Mazda Miata."

"What engine?"

"3.0L V6."

"...wait, what?"

Thankfully we didn't have any real idiots, most people we open to let us dig through the parts bins for things we needed. Got plenty of questions.

92CelicaHalfTrac MegaDork
4/11/12 10:39 a.m.
Turboeric wrote:
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote: I mean, i understand they want a VIN, but i KNOW they can order things without a VIN. Mazda can do it, and Toyota has done it for me in the past. I'm very sorry i don't have a VIN, so i'll give you every piece of information you need, even part numbers, and they still wouldn't order me anything. Jackasses.
Actually, I've had the same experience with Mazda. My car's a bit of a Frankenstein too, and I've had their parts people refuse to order in parts without a VIN (which would generate the wrong part). I finally found the right parts guy, who recognized that I knew more about Miata parts than they do. Now that they know me, it's fine, but it took a few years.

I'm sure it's just the specific dealer. I used to go to a different Toyota dealer that let me order JDM parts as long as i had the part number.

My last trip to the Mazda dealer, i ordered $450 worth of hardware (not a smart idea, i wouldn't recommend it) for 3 cars, none of which i even own. They just curiously asked "Why do you have three old Mazdas?" and i answered "I don't. This is all for an Escort."

Got a weird look, but they ordered it. (And then messed up the order 3 times to the point that it took 5 weeks for all the parts to come in, but hey, at least they ordered it.)

DaveEstey Dork
4/11/12 11:07 a.m.

Generally I look for the old guy in the parts store - they tend to know the most and respect that I'm not there to waste their time. The NAPA down the road from my office is FULL of old-timers and it's awesome.

Meanwhile, the AZ between the office and home is near useless. The employees barely understand english, and generally treat you like you're inconveniencing them. They wouldn't get ANY business from me if it wasn't for the NAPA closing at 5:30 every night and I don't buy parts from them at all, just grease and other supplies. I've even taken to buying my oil from a motorsports outfit that sponsors my club even though its an hour away.

Spoolpigeon UltraDork
4/11/12 11:11 a.m.

Bobzilla has hit the nail on the head many times over in this thread. I work for advance as a store manager, and have been with the company for 8 years now. I know most folks jump the gun and blame the parts guys right away, but unless you've been on our side of the counter, you have no idea how many retards we deal with on a daily basis. Yes I know some of my employees aren't superstar mechanics/parts guy/car nerds ($7.50 an hour won't buy top notch folks) but E36 M3, most days I feel like punching myself in the dick after helping a few customers.

really though, a lot of the frustration is just dealing with the public in general, regardless of what is being sold. It should be mandated that everyone in this country be forced to work some sort of public relations kind of job (like fast food, retail, etc), that way everyone would realize that your extra ranch dressing isn't that berkeleying important!

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/11/12 11:28 a.m.

Old coots are what make parts stores and hardware stores work. You don't want the eager new kid

mndsm UberDork
4/11/12 12:07 p.m.

Best experience I ever had was walking into a store. Guy behind the counter saw what car we got out of. Turns out the built up 2.5RS right next to it was his, and he was QUITE curious as to why the steering wheel was on the wrong side of the car... and why it said STi all over it.... but still looked like his 2.5, Great conversation, and it was clear he knew what we were about. Even gave us free stuff when we were able to use some scrap hose he had to fab something up for a miata with a blown coolant line.

Tyler H
Tyler H GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
4/11/12 12:46 p.m.
belteshazzar wrote: that's all fine and dandy. where my head explodes is when people want me to do the research for them. for example : "i want to put X motor in Y other car, what # do i need?"

That kills me. I'm always the guy right behind them in line with 14 quarts of oil in a handbasket and two little kids dragging on my ankles.

My other pet peeve is getting to the counter, only to have the guy pick up a phone call and spend 5-10 minutes diagnosing over the phone. Why does someone who can't be bothered to drag their butt down to the store take priority over someone who is waiting in line, asking to be relieved of their money?

Javelin GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
4/11/12 12:49 p.m.
Tyler H wrote: My other pet peeve is getting to the counter, only to have the guy pick up a phone call and spend 5-10 minutes diagnosing over the phone. Why does someone who can't be bothered to drag their butt down to the store take priority over someone who is waiting in line, asking to be relieved of their money?

That is exactly why I left NAPA. We were constantly berated that phone calls came first and it rubbed me the wrong way.

Curmudgeon MegaDork
4/11/12 12:50 p.m.

Haven't needed to go parts hunting up here yet, but I had the AZ and Advance guys in my old area trained. I used to sell parts retail, was a Caterpillar forklift parts manager and sold race car parts for many years working for my dad. I do my research on line too and generally know exactly what I need. Hoses? They step back and sweep the arm. Spark plug by mfg number? Here ya go.

Back when I was selling parts, there were lots of ignorant asses and not a few of them worked at the local indie repair shops.

My favorites: a guy who came in wanting shocks for an 'Olds Toronado transaxle'. Now that's an odd way to ask, and it so happened I knew the GMC motor coaches (like the one Toyman has two of) uses the Toronado transaxle but heavy duty bus airbag suspension. I asked him if that's what they were for and he got snotty, repeated his request. So I sold him a pair of Gabriel Red Ryders (cheap car shocks, ~$20 each instead of the 'bus' shocks it needed, which were ~$60 each) but put a note on the invoice (computer generated) that he had requested Olds Toronado transaxle shocks. Our hero comes back a few days later with a busted shock and a REAL attitude. It seems that he had mounted the shocks, hit a RR crossing, the eye yanked off, the shock fell over and punched a hole in the suspension airbag, doing some $2500 in damage. And it was OUR fault. It went to court, that note on the invoice saved us from having to pay for the guy's suspension repairs.

Then there was the guy who wanted a Vega timing belt. He came back in later that day majorly pissed off, new and old belt in hand. I look at the old belt, it says 'Suzuki'. Ding. Chevy Sprint (Pontiac Firefly north of the border) and get him a TB for same. Of course he tells me if I wasn't such a friggin' idiot he wouldn't have had to make two trips.

Then there was the guy who wanted spark plugs for his 6.6 Trans Am. This was back when GM started playing musical engines, the T/A could have come with either a 400 Pontiac or a 403 Olds, both were called 6.6's. So I asked him which engine he had and boy he got PISSED. 'It's a Pontiac, boy'. I allowed as how the car could be had with either engine and he went all deep end crazy, calling me stupid etc, threatened to beat my ass (for real, he said he was going to punch me out!) and the boss said 'get rid of him' so I sold him the Pontiac engine plugs. You guessed it, he had an Olds motor so of course I was a friggin' idiot again.

My favorite terms: 'university joint' and 'catalinas converter'.

BBsGarage HalfDork
4/11/12 12:53 p.m.
Tyler H wrote: That kills me. I'm always the guy right behind them in line with 14 quarts of oil in a handbasket and two little kids dragging on my ankles. My other pet peeve is getting to the counter, only to have the guy pick up a phone call and spend 5-10 minutes diagnosing over the phone. Why does someone who can't be bothered to drag their butt down to the store take priority over someone who is waiting in line, asking to be relieved of their money?

In a semi-major retail electronics store I once worked in (Crazy Eddies for those of you in the NY/NJ/CT area) the person on the phone was more important because you needed to get them into the store, where the other was already in the store and more likely to stay and wait.

Curmudgeon MegaDork
4/11/12 12:54 p.m.
Javelin wrote:
Tyler H wrote: My other pet peeve is getting to the counter, only to have the guy pick up a phone call and spend 5-10 minutes diagnosing over the phone. Why does someone who can't be bothered to drag their butt down to the store take priority over someone who is waiting in line, asking to be relieved of their money?
That is *exactly* why I left NAPA. We were constantly berated that phone calls came first and it rubbed me the wrong way.

This is a real problem in the business. Both the phone and the person at the counter are equally important and each thinks they should come first. People have NO patience any more and have had it beat into their heads over and over that no one else on the planet exists but them.

The parts monkey is caught in the middle and that is probably the worst part of the job. As a service advisor, the rule is grab the phone by the third ring, but if you have a customer standing in front of you then what do you do? I have seen people walk away from the counter in both the parts and service end and vow never to return over this situation. You just can't win.

Spoolpigeon New Reader
4/11/12 12:59 p.m.

Cadillac contortable, chevy aluminum, Nissan century, mercury villinger, tie-ota ( Thats how old berks say 'toyota'), the list goes on and on lol

DoctorBlade Dork
4/11/12 1:01 p.m.
The parts monkey is caught in the middle and that is probably the worst part of the job. As a service advisor, the rule is grab the phone by the third ring, but if you have a customer standing in front of you then what do you do? I have seen people walk away from the counter in both the parts and service end and vow never to return over this situation. You just can't win.

This is why my job went from Carquest delivery driver to jack-of-all-trades in nothing flat. I found that if you're computer literate and reasonably quick you can handle most any job in a parts store. Even for someone like me, who didn't know mechanics that well. Most of the regulars knew my voice and knew they'd have to keep the words simple and descriptions short if I had to answer a phone.

MA$$hole Reader
4/11/12 1:04 p.m.

I remember when I first got my 91 Miata I walked into an Advance to get a set of NGK plugs & wires for it. At that time when I worked at AZ they didn't carry NGK. I go up to the counter & ask the counterman "I need a set of NGK plugs and wires for a 91 Miata". He starts plugging away with a puzzled look & then asks me "That's a Chevy, right?".

93EXCivic UltimaDork
4/11/12 1:05 p.m.
Curmudgeon wrote: My favorite terms: 'university joint'

I think one of my roommates had a few of those...

friedgreencorrado PowerDork
4/11/12 1:32 p.m.

Okay, now my curiosity's getting the better of me. Long story short: I worked in TV, laid off after 20yrs., tired of TV. House is paid for, don't need the kind of dough I was making.

I was thinking of just applying at the Autozone down the street (AZs around here are pretty good, Advance is not so hot, and O'Reilly just moved in). What say ye, GRM?

Javelin GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
4/11/12 1:36 p.m.

O'Reilly's are pretty good, but it's going to come down to the individual store. Go look at all three, apply at the one with the best crew, and then keep this thread going with your hilarity that will ensue.

Rusted_Busted_Spit GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
4/11/12 1:38 p.m.

In reply to friedgreencorrado:

At the very least try it out for a while and see what happens.

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand UberDork
4/11/12 1:45 p.m.
Curmudgeon wrote: 'university joint'

People usually share those until they wear out rather than selling them

Bobzilla SuperDork
4/11/12 2:09 p.m.

Even if they have a "good crew" the DM's will move peopel around to make bad stores better.

Tyler H
Tyler H GRM+ Memberand Dork
4/11/12 2:16 p.m.
Curmudgeon wrote:

This is a real problem in the business. Both the phone and the person at the counter are equally important and each thinks they should come first. People have NO patience any more and have had it beat into their heads over and over that no one else on the planet exists but them.

Sorry Curmudgeon, but I have to respectfully disagree. The guy with a full basket and his wallet out is more important at that moment than the stranger on the phone. I know your comment wasn't directed at me, but trust me -- I'm the dream customer. I know what I want, I'm easy going and I relate to the folks working the counter. If it pisses me off, it royally pisses off a lot of other people.

One time in 15 years of playing with cars did I have a guy answer the phone and say, "We're really busy and I have a line. I will be happy to take your request and call you back in a few minutes, or you're welcome to come down to the store." I appreciated that.

I've been tempted to take out my cell phone and call while standing in line to request a part. I need X. You have it in stock? Great, please go ahead and pull it for me..I'll be there to pick it up as soon as you get off the phone and look at me.

pilotbraden Dork
4/11/12 3:04 p.m.

I've been tempted to take out my cell phone and call while standing in line to request a part. I need X. You have it in stock? Great, please go ahead and pull it for me..I'll be there to pick it up as soon as you get off the phone and look at me

I am going to do this. Thank you Tyler

TreoWayne Reader
4/11/12 3:19 p.m.

I buy everything I can through Advance Auto's website. It tells you what is in stock at each location, there are always coupon codes available, and the stuff is pulled and ready when I go to pick it up.

Strizzo UltraDork
4/11/12 3:41 p.m.

we used to answer the phone with the standard AZ schpiel followed by "please hold" and go back to the person at the counter. problem can be though that you get into something and either forget about the phone or they hang up

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