I will update with pics and video once my phone charges.
Car is a 99 NB Miata 1.8. Car was always down on power since I got it 2 weeks ago. I only ever had P0171 system too lean code. Over the last few days the following has happened.
1. Excessive crank time. I can crank the car and it cranks and cranks. If i cut the key off and try again it starts. Stumbles in a E36 M3ty idle then idles fine.
2. Hasnt happened recently but last couple times driving home for lunch, the car would not start, Just cranks and cranks and eventually it would.
3. Anything over IDK maybe 30 percent throttle it spits and sputters. Until such time you go back to below that point.
4. LOW on power. I get its a Miata but damn, its bad.
New camshaft position sensor
New crankshaft position sensor (adjusted correctly as far as I can say)
New fuel filter
New mass air flow meter
PO installed new NGK wires and plugs
Prior owner stated the car had sat for some years. He replaced the fuel pump with a Denso in tank unit. I suspected foul gasoline but its been driven two hours to me, and I have inspected the fuel that came out with the fuel filter and saw no reason for alarm.
I did pull the valve cover and to my eye the exhaust sprocket was a tooth out. i did not do a timig belt servce, it was just done by PO. I beleive that as it looks fine. I will be doing a complete service once I get the truck back on the road. I did pull enough off to move it back in time.
The results of all this is a E36 M3ty driving car that makes me regret getting it. I believe in the car and my abilities, though I am not so proud to ask my betters for help.
I seek comfort and guidance from the GRM pooba's to direct me. Praise the OMNISSIAH (WH40K reference)!
I will update with pics and a video that accurately shows the driveability issue I am plagued with. The wife is angry with me over this and any help would be ideal.
You can hear the sputtering again this is about 30% throttle any more than that it just gets worse to my knowledge it does not miss firing or rather setting any codes for it
Please and thank you!