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beaterworld New Reader
11/23/09 1:34 p.m.

it's me. I'm looking at an 87 cutlass, and might occasionally find myself sideways. what are the best winter drifting techniques? HANDBRAKE!!!! sorry.

Gimp GRM+ Memberand Dork
11/23/09 1:35 p.m.


Gearheadotaku GRM+ Memberand Reader
11/23/09 1:40 p.m.

87 Cutlass FWD= handbrake. 87 Cutlass RWD = classic that should not be driven in snow.

beaterworld New Reader
11/23/09 1:42 p.m.

it's an 87 cutlass for 500 bucks! who cares? did i mention it has a vinyl roof?

cwh SuperDork
11/23/09 1:43 p.m.

87 is fwd.

16vCorey SuperDork
11/23/09 1:57 p.m.
cwh wrote: 87 is fwd.

Nope. '87 Cutlass Ciera = fwd, '87 Cutlass Calais = fwd, '87 Cutlass = rwd.

ReverendDexter HalfDork
11/23/09 1:58 p.m.

FWD doesn't drift... it fishtails. You basically just keep the pedal mashed and the steering wheel pointed where you'd really like to end up, and if you're lucky you'll get there. Bring a shovel for those days your luck isn't so good.

ditchdigger Reader
11/23/09 2:02 p.m.
Gearheadotaku wrote: . 87 Cutlass RWD = classic that should not be driven in snow.

Wait! What? an 87 Cutlass is a "classic" now?

Jeeze and people give me crap about my taste in cars.

slefain Dork
11/23/09 2:05 p.m.


2002maniac Reader
11/23/09 2:08 p.m.
slefain wrote: stoptheeconobox?

exactly what I was thinking...

cxhb Reader
11/23/09 2:12 p.m.

FWD in the snow--> left foot brake or handbrake. just make sure your front tires arent trash. Better yet, drive with civility.

slantvaliant HalfDork
11/23/09 2:58 p.m.

Don't drift in snow-covered parking lots unless you know for certain where the barriers are.

NYG95GA SuperDork
11/23/09 5:54 p.m.
2002maniac wrote:
slefain wrote: stoptheeconobox?
exactly what I was thinking...


Jay Dork
11/23/09 6:50 p.m.
ditchdigger wrote:
Gearheadotaku wrote: . 87 Cutlass RWD = classic that should not be driven in snow.
Wait! What? an 87 Cutlass is a "classic" now? Jeeze and people give me crap about my taste in cars.

The only thing classic about that car is the tweed cap on the head of the 93-year-old man driving it.

ditchdigger Reader
11/23/09 7:22 p.m.
Jay wrote: The only thing classic about that car is the tweed cap on the head of the 93-year-old man driving it.

Hey someone shares my viewpoint!

Time for one of these

confuZion3 SuperDork
11/23/09 7:31 p.m.

The parking brake is your friend. I want some damned snow so I can go berkeley around too. Oh wait. I live in New York now.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker Dork
11/23/09 7:35 p.m.

FWD in snow: Set the handbrake and leave it. Drive as fast as you dare. Bask in the glow of the most retarded fun you will ever have with a rental.

amg_rx7 Reader
11/23/09 7:47 p.m.
ditchdigger wrote:
Gearheadotaku wrote: . 87 Cutlass RWD = classic that should not be driven in snow.
Wait! What? an 87 Cutlass is a "classic" now?

LOL. That was the favorite car of all the Guidos on Long Island back in the day.

mkiisupra New Reader
11/23/09 8:07 p.m.

In 'NorCal' that would have a Louis Vuitton leather tuck-and-point interior, Dayton 88+ wire wheel spokes (13' thank you very much) with stretched whitewalls, approx two dozen shade/custom paintjob (maroon or teal), airbrushed diety on trunklid, Vida Guerra on the hood. Let's not even speak of the etched brightwork under the hood. If you're lucky, your $500 buys you broken hydraulics...

Somewhat seriously, Attempting to navigate the 'big' Cutlass in any snow/ice for a few winters will train you well, silly grasshopper. Now get out there in an empty parking lot, and have some harmless, yet cautious fun.

Does sound like 'stoptheconobox', doesn't it? Discuss!

Eric G

Duke SuperDork
11/23/09 8:23 p.m.

Here on the East coast (represent!), it would be riding four feet off the ground on 26" chromes with a thin strip of black rubberband wrapped around them, it would be painted in metalflake safety orange with Lambo doors and a leather interior in fluorescent green, the dash and all the interior trim would be painted lemon yellow, the vinyl top would be white, it would have the logo of a popular orange-flavored soda in two foot high lettering on the door, and it would still have have the un-rebuilt stock engine, transmission, and brakes.

rmarkc Reader
11/23/09 8:28 p.m.

Umm...I must confess that I've been eyeballing some late 70s/early 80s Regals on CL and having thoughts about recapturing a bit of my misspent youth. A Cutlass would work too...but no Monte Carlos.

Mother nature took my mullet away.

ckosacranoid HalfDork
11/23/09 10:00 p.m.

hey i have an 88 monty carlo though that is being biult to go sideays...but it is an ex circle jerking car anyway...see my pic my be name for it....

PHeller HalfDork
11/24/09 5:40 a.m.
slantvaliant wrote: Don't drift in snow-covered parking lots unless you know for certain where the barriers are.

What he said + cement pole bases

924guy Dork
11/24/09 6:22 a.m.
LOL. That was the favorite car of all the Guidos on Long Island back in the day.

nah, the Guido's were rolling in LSC's (white or black only!) and Iroc Z's (metallic blue was the mandatory color, though stripes could be either white or black!) back then. The phenomena continued until the Navigator came out... When i was living in W. Babylon(at the time it was a Guido stronghold) I got "the talk" from my landlord about how "you should get rid of that cutlass and get an LSC so you fit in here better, the boys are talking a bit. I can get you a few 'side jobs' if you need a little extra cash to find one, capiche .." I moved a few months later...

speaking of 80's regals: a guy who works for me just pulled his 84 Regal out of storage. its been tucked away most its life, it has under 30k and still smells new inside. beside a small bit of chrome peel on the bumpers, its mint. he paid $400 for it eight years ago, and it was in storage long before (genuine old lady car, she died, car stayed in garage for years)

as for getting rwd cutlasses to hook up in the snow, fugetaboutit...

BoxheadTim GRM+ Memberand Reader
11/24/09 7:10 a.m.
mkiisupra wrote: In 'NorCal' that would have a Louis Vuitton leather tuck-and-point interior, Dayton 88+ wire wheel spokes (13' thank you very much) with stretched whitewalls, approx two dozen shade/custom paintjob (maroon or teal), airbrushed diety on trunklid, Vida Guerra on the hood.

Nothing wrong with Vida Guerra on any car's hood, hombre .

Oh hang on, you were talking about a mural of Vida Guerra? In that case, if it doesn't make it go any faster...

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