16vCorey Dork
5/22/08 7:47 a.m.

So my mom's daily driver is an '87 VW Fox Wagon that's beat all to hell, has 300k miles, smells funny, runs rough, but refuses to die. As soon as I find a suitable replacement for her, she said I can have it to run in a demolition derby. I'm pretty psyched about that, and I think it should do pretty well, being that it's a wagon and they have that tiny radiator that's set off to the side and back about a foot, directly above the frame rail. All of that, and all the LeMons posts, got me thinking. Is there something that I'm missing? Is there a better last hurrah for this trusty beast?

bastomatic Dork
5/22/08 8:02 a.m.

Man, a Fox Wagon. Too bad it's not in better shape, I've always wanted one of those for some reason.

ClemSparks SuperDork
5/22/08 8:32 a.m.

If you have the means, I highly suggest purchasing 40 acres (+/- 30 acres) and doing stuff like this:


Clem (driving the case-car)

iceracer New Reader
5/22/08 8:34 a.m.

Junk yards are paying high dollars .:nice:

grtechguy Dork
5/22/08 8:49 a.m.

Demo sounds fun to me!

John Brown
John Brown GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
5/22/08 9:17 a.m.

What to do with a Fox?

Get a tetanus shot.

Greg Voth
Greg Voth Associate Publisher
5/22/08 9:23 a.m.

Rally Rally Rally.


16vCorey Dork
5/22/08 9:38 a.m.
bastomatic wrote: Man, a Fox Wagon. Too bad it's not in better shape, I've always wanted one of those for some reason.

Yeah, I know, me too. I was hoping to get the car from her and put a 16vt in it, but that was before it was rear ended...twice.

iceracer wrote: Junk yards are paying high dollars .

I'm sure it will be scrapped AFTER I've gotten every last drop of entertainment out of it.

John Brown wrote: What to do with a Fox? Get a tetanus shot.

It's actually surprisingly solid. Who would have thought?

Also, if anyone has a line on a cheap VW/Audi station wagon, the sooner I find one, the sooner I get this turd to abuse.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
5/22/08 9:39 a.m.

2008 challenge car?

Jensenman SuperDork
5/22/08 11:07 a.m.

Slap a set of cheapie snows on it and Rally Cross!! :cool:

ignorant SuperDork
5/22/08 11:13 a.m.

babe rally?

confuZion3 Reader
5/22/08 11:20 a.m.

It'll be real easy to sell off parts to recoup the cost of the car for the 2008 Challenge. $0.00 is real easy to come by on e-Bay (for now . . .).

Demo derby sounds fun, but how long could that event last? A couple minutes?

Rallycross, or LeMons racing sounds fun.

Hoop SuperDork
5/22/08 11:20 a.m.

Set it up for Rally!

Demolition Derbies have never appealed to me. Too many good cars going to waste.

JFX001 New Reader
5/22/08 11:46 a.m.

Another vote for Rally Cross. ;)

16vCorey Dork
5/22/08 11:51 a.m.

I might have to look into the BABE rally. I could do that, and demo it when I'm done! That is, of course, if it makes it. I think it would be too expensive to set it up for Rally, and there's really no where close to do that. I'd love to Rallcross it or run LeMons in it, but once again I'd have to travel pretty far to do those things.

fiat22turbo GRM+ Memberand Dork
5/22/08 12:46 p.m.

You guys do know that the Fox is based on an early Audi 100, right? So a wrecked Audi 5000, etc might just get you some nifty parts to make that car fly that much faster into the grave....:twisted:

Woodyhfd GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
5/22/08 2:04 p.m.
ignorant wrote: babe rally?

Once upon a time, I rode across town in a brand new Fox.

I believe that trips in excess of five miles in a Fox were banned by the Geneva Convention.

John Brown
John Brown GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
5/22/08 2:12 p.m.
16vCorey wrote: I might have to look into the BABE rally. I could do that, and demo it when I'm done! That is, of course, if it makes it. I think it would be too expensive to set it up for Rally, and there's really no where close to do that. I'd love to Rallcross it or run LeMons in it, but once again I'd have to travel pretty far to do those things.

Detroit (Toledo) Rock City Corey, I am sure there are three helper monkeys willing to assist you at the track.

EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand New Reader
5/22/08 3:40 p.m.

There is only one thing to do. Rally cross! :grin:

littleturquoiseb New Reader
5/23/08 1:24 a.m.
ignorant wrote: babe rally?
  • 1


5/23/08 7:53 a.m.

drop in an aircooled vw motor with dual carbs sticking up through the hood!

Carson Reader
5/23/08 8:14 a.m.

I have one and if you're considering rallycross, get a skid plate. Because of how the engine is mounted, both the lower radiator hose crank pulley are lowest and furtherest point forward on that car. Look head on at the car at front bumper level you can see about a third of the pulley and the hose.

Carson Reader
5/23/08 8:18 a.m.

Also, for everyone that mentioned they wanted one, mine will be for sale soon and for cheap. Check the reader's ride section for VW Kriegwagon.

Ok, sorry, back to regularly scheduled programming.

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