10/21/09 2:56 p.m.
I have a good friend (otherwise quite sane) who is huge into the whole conspiracy theory thing. He brought me a DVD about 9/11, and made me promise to watch it, so I did. The production values were quite good; not a hack job like you might expect. I have to say, after watching it, that was some very shady/fishy stuff that went on that dismal day.
I remain unconvinced that our own gubmint was behind it, but I also recognize that sometimes truth is stranger than fiction..
GameboyRMH wrote:
Improbable motive: The US wanted to stick it to Russia in the space race by landing on the moon, but had trouble with space radiation. They thought nobody would notice if they just faked it, so they did.
Impossible / f'in crazy method: It was staged in a warehouse in the New Mexico desert, please ignore photos, stuff left on the moon, etc, etc, etc.
A NASA spokesperson asked during the 40th anniversary of the moon landing "If we faked the moon landing, don't you think we'd have better video?"
Just to stir the pot...
There is a omnipotent being who controls everything and if you believe in him you will go to a really nice place after you die. There are whole governments and organizations that propagate this madness without a shred of evidence.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
Just to stir the pot...
There is a omnipotent being who controls everything and if you believe in him you will go to a really nice place after you die. There are whole governments and organizations that propagate this madness without a shred of evidence.
Bad things happen to people who don't have faith in 'The Elvis'. 
10/21/09 4:33 p.m.
Sprinkler lady aside, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that truthers are most def. the craziest.
I recently had a long conversation with an individual that I generally consider to be intelligent, rational, and not the least bit crazy after he made me watch "Zeitgeist". It practically made me go crosseyed with the gross stupidity of every "truther" argument. None of them hold up to serious big-picture scrutiny, but people cling to them like a talisman. Even presumably rational intelligent people. And also Charlie Sheen: http://www.prisonplanet.com/twenty-minutes-with-the-president.html (Although honestly, I'm hoping that his "truther" stance is really just a long, elaborate, and not all that funny practical joke)
The best part of the "Truther" movement is George W. Bush's quantum status. He is, all at once, the most deviant, brilliant, evil master mind this world has ever seen AND the most incompetent, idiotic, mouth breathing, can't-even-dress-himself-in-the-morning human being to ever walk the earth.
LBJ was behind the JFK asasination...
the Gov. "allowed" 9/11 to happen...
Walmart is evil...

therex wrote:
The best part of the "Truther" movement is George W. Bush's quantum status. He is, all at once, the most deviant, brilliant, evil master mind this world has ever seen AND the most incompetent, idiotic, mouth breathing, can't-even-dress-himself-in-the-morning human being to ever walk the earth.
No, no, no... he is the idiotic mouth breathing PUPPET of the true EVIL ONES, Cheney and Rove
10/21/09 8:48 p.m.
neon4891 wrote:
No, no, no... he is the idiotic mouth breathing PUPPET of the true EVIL ONES, Cheney and Rove
Tell them to get their stories straight then!
If I got anything out of this thread, it was Buzz Aldrin cold cocking some blowhard Bob Costas in his pie hole. Thanks Poopshovel.
New Reader
10/21/09 10:09 p.m.
Xceler8x wrote:
Google Meet the Soetoros for the latest "hard evidence".
M2Pilot wrote:
Xceler8x wrote:
Google Meet the Soetoros for the latest "hard evidence".
A theorist was bound to show up sooner or later. 
Here's a thread on the Snopes forum about it.
Thread on Snopes about Meet the Soetoros.
10/22/09 8:42 a.m.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Yeah I've seen crazy sprinkler lady, but that's just crazy rambling. It's only a conspiracy theory when crazy people are rambling it in a group.
She actually sounds a lot like the "baRACK HOOsane oBAWma" woman from a year or so ago.
And speaking of which:
Snowdoggie wrote:
I would like to start a new birther movement, only instead of Kenya, he would be dropped from a flying saucer in order to take over the government before the big invasion. Of course since he wasn't actually born on this planet......