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jharry3 GRM+ Memberand Dork
5/1/24 11:38 a.m.

Word on the street is this is an attempt to get more legal stores in more states, thereby hurting the smugglers, plus getting more tax revenue.

Captdownshift (Forum Supporter)
Captdownshift (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/1/24 11:46 a.m.

In reply to jharry3 :

This is absolutely the case. I have the ability, knowledge, experience,  licensing And could easily procure the equipment to cultivate in Maryland. However, getting lending for operations overhead prior to harvest and for moderate scale space leasing is a roadblock and I'm not going to leverage other entities against it, especially when they entail alcohol production, even when they're obviously at separate locations. 


The change in rescheduling should open up banking for me to start a proper living soil, mixed light, craft cannabis operation where I otherwise wouldn't have been able to do so. 

Robbie (Forum Supporter)
Robbie (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/1/24 12:02 p.m.

2 things I've noticed:

1. Humans seem to be able to withstand a huge amount of poisoning and still not die (I wonder if other animals are similar or different in this quality).

2. Many humans spend much of their lives trying to find the ideal amount of poison - just enough to feel funny but not enough to die.

akylekoz UltraDork
5/1/24 12:52 p.m.

In reply to Robbie (Forum Supporter) :

#2 is a slippery slope.  Binge drinking used to be the main problem with teen drinking not all kids are versed in the scientific method.  I have three teenagers all straight A students going to an mostly affluent school.  Vaping MJ is a bigger problem than drinking, the problem I see is that it is so easy to get and in the wild west phase of regulation.  It is way to easy to O.D. on a vaped product that has varying degrees of potency.  

One of my kids did experiment with drinking, in a most responsible way, measured amounts at home while playing video games.  We still busted him.  Same with vaping MJ, they experimented, got busted.  They know how bad it is, yet still do it because they can and so is half of the school.  Now we have to take the next step, testing.  They are responsible kids but they still need guidance, and I'm not willing to let them potentially alter their futures with bad decisions. 

Maybe off topic but the trickle down effect is real.   It's so easy now, it's perceived as ok and legal, it's not.  

SWMBO and I have done our share of drinking an drugs in our younger years, without a doubt I believe they altered my future.  I don't have a bad life but, no doubt in my mind that I would have done more with out alcohol and a pastime. 

Where is that rant thread anyway?

Peabody MegaDork
5/1/24 5:55 p.m.

In reply to procainestart :


The roll out from the government wasn't very good, and it was a bit of a wild west for a while. The cops weren't busting the illegal stores until a lot of the legal ones opened up. Stores on the Indian reserves were popping up like crazy, and to varying degrees shut down. Once the reserves had a policy in place stores started popping up again, and are technically not legal, but like the cigarette situation, nobody will touch them. The reserve near me has so many shops it's ridiculous. Then there's the online stores. The ones I've seen are 100% illegal, and are very competitively priced. Last I heard some of the better ones were selling quarter pounds for what an ounce cost before legalization, and we're talking primo product. One of the guys I recently worked with had his own online shop part time and offered free local delivery.  I heard he quit his job and is doing that full time now.

As far as growing, I think we're allowed 4 plants at home, and in the first couple years everybody was growing. I don't know anybody who does now.

OHSCrifle GRM+ Memberand UberDork
5/1/24 7:27 p.m.
akylekoz said:

In reply to Robbie (Forum Supporter) :

#2 is a slippery slope.  Binge drinking used to be the main problem with teen drinking not all kids are versed in the scientific method.  I have three teenagers all straight A students going to an mostly affluent school.  Vaping MJ is a bigger problem than drinking, the problem I see is that it is so easy to get and in the wild west phase of regulation.  It is way to easy to O.D. on a vaped product that has varying degrees of potency.  

One of my kids did experiment with drinking, in a most responsible way, measured amounts at home while playing video games.  We still busted him.  Same with vaping MJ, they experimented, got busted.  They know how bad it is, yet still do it because they can and so is half of the school.  Now we have to take the next step, testing.  They are responsible kids but they still need guidance, and I'm not willing to let them potentially alter their futures with bad decisions. 

Maybe off topic but the trickle down effect is real.   It's so easy now, it's perceived as ok and legal, it's not.  

SWMBO and I have done our share of drinking an drugs in our younger years, without a doubt I believe they altered my future.  I don't have a bad life but, no doubt in my mind that I would have done more with out alcohol and a pastime. 

Where is that rant thread anyway?

Twelve ounce measurements?

QuasiMofo (John Brown)
QuasiMofo (John Brown) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/1/24 8:06 p.m.

I live in Michigan. I can literally drive 2 miles and pick up a weekends worth of anything that I want. I don't but I can. 

The schedule 1 designation is wrong. The schedule 3 is more likely correct.

I still state that it should be legal for testing Federally, and State by State voted for consumer consumption.

Captdownshift (Forum Supporter)
Captdownshift (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/2/24 12:10 a.m.

In reply to Peabody :

The online market is alive and well in the states and even advertises on broadcast television, cable and on streaming platforms. Just harvest early enough to be THCa prior to conversion, which actually makes for a higher terpene level, lighter and more engaging experience versus a heavy sedated effect. That being said, if someone needs CBN or CBG, then the plant needs to run longer, that's not something that can be obtained online legally stateside at the federal level at this point. 

The farm act opened the door for about 60% of flower that's on dispensary shelves though 🤷‍♂️.


Also, I with my card I can grow 4 in Maryland, the gf can grow 2 at her place, as she doesn't have a card. In Alaska we can grow 12, but only 6 can be in flower, which is nice for pheno hunting. 4 in flower is enough, but if taking cuts from a pheno that you want to keep running or for searching for a pheno in a strain you're hunting, 4 total is rough, especially as I like to run regulars to get pollen from the males to run crosses that haven't been breed. 

Docwemple Dork
5/2/24 1:37 a.m.

The reality is that it shouldn't be classified as a narcotic of any kind

akylekoz UltraDork
5/2/24 6:48 a.m.

In reply to OHSCrifle :

He secured some really cheap Vodka, four ounces mixed with OJ, with his buddy who was also at home.  Safe and controlled but abnormal.

Duke MegaDork
5/2/24 8:49 a.m.

In reply to Captdownshift (Forum Supporter) :

I understood those individual words as I read them but it didn't add up to anything meaningful for me at all.


Peabody MegaDork
5/2/24 9:15 a.m.

In reply to Duke :

I didn't understand a lot of it either.

Locally, when people did grow, nobody really adheres to the max quantity and nobody really cares. The problem with growing is, the quality doesn't match the indoor stuff, you generally grow way more than you'll ever consume and there's really no market for it so you end up giving a lot of it away. I still have mason jars full of  bud from when a few friends were growing. Only one guy I knew was growing a lot, but he was processing it into really high quality oil and selling. He was making money but didn't expect it to last.

TJL (Forum Supporter)
TJL (Forum Supporter) SuperDork
5/2/24 9:47 a.m.

In reply to Peabody :

A "pheno" is a phenotype. Its a environments effect on an organism. So a plant grown in a certain area has  characteristics caused by the environment. 

male plants fertilize female plants and produce seeds. If you are looking for cannabis to consume, you dont want seeds so you only want female plants.  If you want to grow more plants, you want seeds so you woukd have a male plant nearby.  If you really want more of that EXACT plant, you clone the plant via cuttings. Much like with children, they may look more like the mother or the father or a mix of both parents, but they wont be an exact genetic copy of only 1 of the parents. 
You dont want to take too many cuttings from a plant and damage the mother plant. 

As the plant ages, its characteristics change and its chemical properties change also. THCa, cbn, cbg, etc are all cannabinoids, different chemicals in cannabis. Picking the flower at different times allows you to get more or less of a desired cannabinoid.  And yes, the human body has an Endocannabinoid system. 

ShawnG MegaDork
5/2/24 9:50 a.m.

In reply to Peabody :

Only the Canadian government could manage to screw up selling weed.

TJL (Forum Supporter)
TJL (Forum Supporter) SuperDork
5/2/24 10:00 a.m.

In reply to ShawnG :

The states did a pretty great job of screwing it up too. Colorado kicked it off and ended up with a pretty tight program. Then every state after that decided they needed to re-invent the wheel and tried a different system which was always a cluster-berk.  Oregon or Washington famously told the growers to get at it and grow all the weed for retail, then they failed to get the market set up on time and left growers with massive amounts of weed that they couldn't sell. 


Peabody MegaDork
5/2/24 10:10 a.m.

In reply to TJL (Forum Supporter) :

I know about that, just not in great detail. I grew indoors in the 90's and used to make my own clones. Now all the semi legal stores sell them.

The current system is actually working fairly well if you're a consumer. Quality is up, prices are down, selection is the best it's ever been and you can get it pretty much anywhere anytime.

Mndsm MegaDork
5/2/24 10:16 a.m.

One other thing I know about marijuana classification or...de-classification in this case, and Cap just highlighted it...


Weed guys are berkeleyin' wizards. Any man that can grow an 8 foot tall plant in a broom closet and know the level of plant science they need to know to be able to cultivate marijuana the way they have should not be criminalized. THESE are they guys we need solving food problems. Theys guys would grow 6 foot long corns that taste like steak and potatoes and feed all of ethiopia for a dollar if given the chance. The seriousness with which they approach the methodology of it is fascinating, even as someone who doesn't partake, other than the E36 M3ty little bottle of CBD lotion I got at CVS cause my shoulders hurt. 

TJL (Forum Supporter)
TJL (Forum Supporter) SuperDork
5/2/24 10:21 a.m.

In reply to Mndsm :

It is impressive how they have advanced the product over the last decade or so.  A person isnt going to mess around and casually grow some amazing cannabis. Its HARD to get a decent product. 

P3PPY GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
5/2/24 10:29 a.m.
jharry3 said:

The War on Drugs has provided a lot of jobs and excuses to increase police power.   There has got to be a better way to solve the public health problem of the serial abusers without turning us into East Germany.

In 1978 the former Italian Prime Minister was kidnapped. Suspects were arrested and the suggestion was made to torture them for information. The general in charge of anti-mafia and terrorism, Carlo Alberto dalla Chiesa, is quoted to have said:

"Italy can survive the loss of [Prime Minister] Aldo Moro. It would not survive the introduction of torture."

And that's exactly how I feel about all of these "wars" on U.S. soil that are executed for our own good.

Paraphrased, then:

"America can survive drugs. It cannot survive the war on drugs."

Or alcohol - resulted in organized crime and the first scaling back of the the bill of rights

Or terror - domestic surveillance which scales back another of the Bill of Rights, plus we now get torture normalized -but off-shore only! right?

Or whatever else comes next


To quote author C.S. Lewis here:

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”


To be clear, I do not partake and I don't wish it upon others, but I think it's ridiculous that it's regulated at all.

Peabody MegaDork
5/2/24 10:30 a.m.

In reply to Mndsm :

It's almost like those guys who build 10 second race cars for under two grand!

When people have a passion for something...

Peabody MegaDork
5/2/24 10:34 a.m.

In reply to TJL (Forum Supporter) :

3-4 decades.  Growing high quality product indoors has been very common in Canada since (at least that I know of) the 90's

Mndsm MegaDork
5/2/24 10:42 a.m.
Peabody said:

In reply to Mndsm :

It's almost like those guys who build 10 second race cars for under two grand!

When people have a passion for something...

Those guys are liars. Not possible to build a 10 second car for two grand. Haven you even BEEN on the internet? 

Toyman! GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/2/24 10:43 a.m.
P3PPY said:
jharry3 said:

The War on Drugs has provided a lot of jobs and excuses to increase police power.   There has got to be a better way to solve the public health problem of the serial abusers without turning us into East Germany.

In 1978 the former Italian Prime Minister was kidnapped. Suspects were arrested and the suggestion was made to torture them for information. The general in charge of anti-mafia and terrorism, Carlo Alberto dalla Chiesa, is quoted to have said:

"Italy can survive the loss of [Prime Minister] Aldo Moro. It would not survive the introduction of torture."

And that's exactly how I feel about all of these "wars" on U.S. soil that are executed for our own good.

Paraphrased, then:

"America can survive drugs. It cannot survive the war on drugs."

Or alcohol - resulted in organized crime and the first scaling back of the the bill of rights

Or terror - domestic surveillance which scales back another of the Bill of Rights, plus we now get torture normalized -but off-shore only! right?

Or whatever else comes next


To quote author C.S. Lewis here:

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”


To be clear, I do not partake and I don't wish it upon others, but I think it's ridiculous that it's regulated at all.

QFT since I can only up-vote it once. 

Captdownshift (Forum Supporter)
Captdownshift (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/2/24 11:04 a.m.

In reply to Mndsm :

Ironically the money I save cultivating my own cannabis goes towards consuming better quality food. And I have started growing my own food. This summer's project entails chilis that properly hot (serrano equivalent)  that won't destroy my GI due to the ulcerative colitis. Not many people mess around with grafting soft tissue plants, but you can graft a Scotch bonnet branch onto a poblano plant prior to flower and fruiting. The fruit will be as hot as a scotch bonnet, but the plants produced by the seeds within the fruit will grow into a plant who bares fruit that is about 2/3-3/4 as strong. I'm working on a second generation of hybrids this year. 

Duke MegaDork
5/2/24 12:18 p.m.
P3PPY said:

Paraphrased, then:

"America can survive drugs. It cannot survive the war on drugs."

Or alcohol - resulted in organized crime and the first scaling back of the the bill of rights

Or terror - domestic surveillance which scales back another of the Bill of Rights, plus we now get torture normalized -but off-shore only! right?

Or whatever else comes next

I would go so far as to say that a main product of government action is Unintended Consequences.


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