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ignorant SuperDork
6/9/08 4:50 p.m.

Columbus indiana in front of Cummins Plant 1(CEP) looking across the river to the Tech Center...

Anyone want to buy a kenworth? That was sunday in Indiana

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
6/9/08 4:50 p.m.

I spent my weekend in the wilds of Tennessee, sweating profusely in an old tobacco barn, drinking beer and playing guitar. It was awesome.

Then I find out the site was down most of the weekend. Not so awesome.

billy3esq Dork
6/9/08 5:11 p.m.
Tim Baxter wrote: I spent my weekend in the wilds of Tennessee, sweating profusely in an old tobacco barn, drinking beer and playing guitar. ... Then I find out the site was down most of the weekend.

Coincidence? I think not. Who votes for no more weekends off for Baxter?

Volksroddin New Reader
6/9/08 5:40 p.m.

today was my weekend. Went out with freinds last night and swim'en this morring with my daughter. So it was alright.

Jackrabbit New Reader
6/9/08 6:16 p.m.

Broke a CV joint at the RallyX. :(

Wally GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
6/10/08 12:49 a.m.

It was 7 miillion degrees, and the Puerto Rican Day parade was sunday. If there is ever a good time to work outside in Harlem, that is it. Put on my old people wrap around shades and enjoy the day.

drc New Reader
6/10/08 12:57 a.m.

The title to my mr2 finally came in, so i can start working on it in earnest

my impreza developed a misfire/stumble/hesitation

win some lose some

Wowak Dork
6/10/08 2:32 a.m.

Friday night I went to see my friend in an improv show, but the troupe director found out that the local newspaper was sending a photographer, so she replaced my friend with herself. On the way home, I was getting the long blinks so I pulled over in a rest stop to take a nap. Woke up to find the car hard to get into reverse. By the time I got home, clutch pedal was worthless. Saturday morning I was supposed to be at an autocross in Sebring. Instead I was diagnosing a clutch hydraulic problem on a Miata. All signs pointed to the bleeder valve on the slave leaking (wow, it wasn't the slave seal!) Anyway, nobody carries metric bleeders, so I bought the whole slave to get the bleeder so I could be on my way for Sunday morning. (Its a Miata.. I'll need the new slave sooner or later.) Replace the bleeder, mityvac, everything looks good, patch it up, celebrate victory. Go back outside to move car for the night... no clutch. Now its 9pm and Florida has rolled up its sidewalks. Two long, awkward phone calls to my exGF and I've secured a Miata for the sunday points event. (We're on good terms as exes go, but borrowing her car would have been alot to ask even when we were together.) Its got 191K miles on the oem shocks, but its STS2 legal. Sunday was good, except that I got sunburnt, finished 3rd in STS2 (first time this year I've been beaten) and was so tired afterwards that I stopped TWICE on the way home to take a nap. So tonight I finally got a new clutch Master, I'll be putting it on tomorrow and hopefully that will be it, because me and the car were supposed to be moving to Pensacola tomorrow.

93celicaGT2 New Reader
6/10/08 4:36 p.m.
ignorant wrote: my companies head quarters was underwater.. Anyone in Southern Indiana? How you doing?

I swam down the road my apartment complex is on. It was pretty cool.

Couldn't get any of the Celicas out until Sunday night, though, too much water in the exit, we had about 4.5 feet of water in the road at the worst.

Went out Sunday night and went exploring the damage. Roads washed out, Franklin downtown was ridiculous, looked like a mini New Orleans.

I'm not that far south, though. But all of the really bad stuff was within 45 minutes of me. Franklin is about 8 minutes down the road, eminince about 40 minutes.

Wowak Dork
6/10/08 7:46 p.m.

Update on how much my weekend blows (spilling over into this week:) Its not the clutch master or the slave. The piston is fully extending, the clutch just isn't disengaging. Sooo now its going into the shop tomorrow, because I vowed I'd never again drop a Miata trans without air tools and a lift, and I kinda really need to get to Pensacola to start my new job.

Jake HalfDork
6/10/08 8:18 p.m.
John Brown wrote: Midway through lunch we notice a 70mph wind blowing throught the driveway and the Tornado siren wailing in the background. We get locked down the Ronalds finest pooper while the brunt hits. Thank god it was just remodeled.

That made me laugh out loud for real. Sorry- happens now and again that the weekend sucks worse than the week it's supposed to be recovery from.

Jensenman SuperDork
6/10/08 9:06 p.m.

Frickin' hot in both Chucktown and Mars Hill, NC, but I got to go hillclimbing.

RealMiniDriver Dork
6/11/08 12:24 a.m.

2 FEET of sewage backed up into my basement on Sat night/Sun morn. At one point, it was a 4' fountain coming up from the floor. Even filled the wash tubs and spilled over. We were on the local news.

We've lived here 3½ years and still haven't fully unpacked, so we had a E36 M3load of totes stacked up. Once the bottom ones got bouyant enough, the stacks would fall over. Most of them ended up getting filled. Very few managed to stay dry. We finally found our wedding albums. They were dry. Water heater, furnace, washer/dryer, freezer.... all toast. We've been cleaning since.

The capper: we're not covered for sewer backup.

Finally have a chance to sit down and relax, watch TV and do a little surfing. Oh well, just last week, I told my mom that we needed to get our basement cleaned up.

fiat22turbo GRM+ Memberand Dork
6/11/08 11:11 a.m.

Man, I feel bad posting about my weekend now. The girlfriend treated me to a weekend in wine country in McMinnville Oregon which also included the Evergreen Aviation Museum (Hughes HK-4 Hercules FTW!)

It was a great weekend, lots of great wine, food and of course the ability to actually touch an SR-71! Not too mention the "Spruce Goose"

P71 GRM+ Memberand New Reader
6/11/08 1:17 p.m.

I was just at the Evergreen museum the weekend before! We had a family get-together (my girlfriend's grandfather is Gen. O'Grady who's F-102 Delta Dagger is outside the museum). I LOVE that place!

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