jamscal wrote:
I liked it. Smart and full of action, but...
They should have found a better pretext for the guy going into D-9 in the first place.
Having the Prawns 'sign' hard copies of eviction notices.... over a million of them?
Come on. ( I could probably think of a better and more plausible one in a day or two
I liked that part. I thought the unrealisticness of such an endeavor showed how out of touch MNU was with actually getting anything done.
New Reader
8/16/09 4:33 p.m.
I watched D9 yesterday and I think it's going to be the next big series in SciFi. Great movie, and like someone said earlier, looks like it was made by guys that love to make movies.
By the way, Peter Jackson didn't direct the movie, he just put down a fat wad of cash to pay for the movie to get made when the Halo movie fell through.
I think I'm just gona go see it tomarrow, and not wait for when some friends go
Really want to see it. The preview where the dude launches a missle/RPG at the ship and the mech thing catches it...that kind of thing really appeals to my "I haven't really gotten any older since I was 7" side haha.
Twin_Cam wrote:
Really want to see it. The preview where the dude launches a missle/RPG at the ship and the mech thing catches it...that kind of thing really appeals to my "I haven't really gotten any older since I was 7" side haha.
Don't expect a whole lot of that style of action, though. There's just enough to be totally bad-ass.
8/16/09 11:27 p.m.
saw it, and WOW..
one of those rare films that when its done, it takes you a half hour to talk about because your still stupefied... after the first five minutes i thought it was going to suck.
im not big on that type of filming style, but after ten minutes you couldnt of torn me away with a set of double d's , a stripper pole and a free bucket of dollar bills...
Osterkraut wrote:
Twin_Cam wrote:
Really want to see it. The preview where the dude launches a missle/RPG at the ship and the mech thing catches it...that kind of thing really appeals to my "I haven't really gotten any older since I was 7" side haha.
Don't expect a whole lot of that style of action, though. There's just enough to be totally bad-ass.
So they rely on more than "BAY-SPLOSIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!" for it to be good.
And to think this movie was made because the Halo movie was killed off. does this mean Hollywood has learned from Doom?
Anybody recognize the armored pick ups? I guess they're diesel Nissan Navarras a/k/a Fronties. Decent flick. Make you sad to think about what went on under apartheid.
I'm going. Better than Dark Knight and up there with Children of Men? I'll plunk down my money on those recommendations.
88% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Haven't seen D9, so no comment there, but the more I watch Dark Knight, the more I think they shoved at least 3 separate movies into one. It just seems a bit disjointed to me.
Saw it last night. Liked it a lot.
Highly recommended by me (someone with questionable tastes anyway).
8/17/09 2:18 p.m.
Loved it. A little inconsistent in the alien characterizations, and it seemed like two movies, a refreshing, unique movie to start with, and a more hollywood, predictable second half. But overall, quite good. Loved the filming, and loved the casting. And ther was only one fleeting scene where the CG fell down (and that wasn't the CG itself, per se, but the compositing). Really good stuff with the matchmoving.
And the best part is that the best bits were not thrown in the trailer to tease people, like in so many movies (you know, the "have you seen the trailer? Then you've seen the movie" situation).
The white armor worn by the mercaneries looked kinda storm troopper-ish.
neon4891 wrote:
The white armor worn by the mercaneries looked kinda storm troopper-ish.
I thought some if it looked like beefed up Moto Cross armor 
Xceler8x wrote:
I'm going. Better than Dark Knight and up there with Children of Men? I'll plunk down my money on those recommendations.
88% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Children of Men sucked wang.
I don't know how I feel about it. I saw it last night. The more I think about it, the more I think I enjoyed it, but my impression in the theater during the first half wasn't very good. Of course, watching our main character develop into a hero was pretty sweet and you really needed the first half of the movie to get that. And at no point was there a time where I was thinking to myself 'OH COME ON! NOBODY COULD BE THAT STUPID! JUST STAND UP AND RUN! HE'S AN OLD MAN WITH A CHAINSAW AND YOU'RE A 18 YEAR OLD ATHLETE! HOW CAN YOU LET HIM CATCH YOU!?' (Sorry. I hated the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Kinda had to watch it with a group.)
I think I just resented it because I was planning on seeing GI Joe, and my other roommate decided she didn't want to see GI Joe right before we left.
The mech was pretty cool. So was the part where our hero blew away all the mercenaries when he first used the alien gun.
confuZion3 wrote:
I don't know how I feel about it. I saw it last night. The more I think about it, the more I think I enjoyed it, but my impression in the theater during the first half wasn't very good. Of course, watching our main character develop into a hero was pretty sweet and you really needed the first half of the movie to get that. And at no point was there a time where I was thinking to myself 'OH COME ON! NOBODY COULD BE THAT STUPID! JUST STAND UP AND RUN! HE'S AN OLD MAN WITH A CHAINSAW AND YOU'RE A 18 YEAR OLD ATHLETE! HOW CAN YOU LET HIM CATCH YOU!?' (Sorry. I hated the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Kinda had to watch it with a group.)
I think I just resented it because I was planning on seeing GI Joe, and my other roommate decided she didn't want to see GI Joe right before we left.
The mech was pretty cool. So was the part where our hero blew away all the mercenaries when he first used the alien gun.
This post shows me you're wildly susceptible to peer pressure. Here, smoke this, all the cool kids are...
Saw it last night and really liked it. The g/f went with me and liked it too. She did comment that it would appeal to men more than women. I'd like to think that was because they didn't tack on some B.S. love story that stuck out of the movie like a 6th finger.
The parts that gripped me were the more documentary portions. For instance when... aw crap..hold on...
The parts I felt more about were when he was showing how a normal guy, someone doing his job, could be wrangled into killing the alien infants. In the beginning when he calls in a "population control" unit on the shack with eggs/pods in it. "They go off like popcorn! See!" The documented genocide reminded me of various photos and video's I've seen of that. Normal guys, doing a job. Not realizing it's horrific.
Then, the contrast with when they had the hero strapped down and firing the weapons. Well, he wasn't really firing them as they were using a cattle prod on his arm even when he volunteered to shoot. Then, the final shot when they walked an alien out with an X on it's back. It was obviously scared and unsure. All that over the patient's unanswered questions, pleas for mercy, etc.