The link that got it all started for me: Should I donate money to Kony 2012 or not?
If you haven't already had the video posted to your Facebook wall eleventy billion times, it's easy enough to find (just Google "Kony 2012"). A lot of people are so caught up in the emotional message though...slick production values, a singular solution, relentless emotional appeals, and finally...a request for your credit card number!
I thought the whole thing was pretty dubious from the beginning, so I've done some research, and now started a Facebook Group to speak out against Invisible Children, Inc...
Long story short, don't believe everything you watch on YouTube...the tragedies in Uganda are undeniable, but Invisible Children, Inc. is pretty clearly serving their own interests. They are financially questionable, they seek to end the conflict by heavily arming the other side (!!!!!) who is just as brutal as Kony's group...