12/5/21 11:45 a.m.
I was watching this fellow make an oak door out of some old timbers from his 300 year old French farmhouse.
And bam! He has an all in one table saw, jointer, planer, and router device.
Who makes that table saw? And how can I get one? Jump to the 7:00 minute mark for it in action.
12/5/21 11:53 a.m.
12/5/21 12:30 p.m.
He made an hour and a half long video about the restoration of the roof of the French barn. He goes into that tool at some point. He said it isn't very good at any one task but it does them all well enough to be crucial on those kind of jobs
12/5/21 12:40 p.m.
I watched one of the barn roof videos but I didnt notice him talk about the saw.
Is there anything similar available here? Shopsmith seems like a probable manufacture but I didnt see anything.
I bought an old (1960s?) Machine a few months back. I was keeping a loose eye out for a spindle moulder and it popped up at a too good to say no to price.
Its a table saw with a jointer off the side and an accessory output. It came with a mortiser/doweller and a spindle moulder.
You could also get (and good luck now, but I'll remain hopeful) a thicknesser, bandsaw, lathe, disc sander, belt sander, jigsaw and drill press attachments.
It's very heavy and well built, but as Trent mentioned, it probably won't excel at any one task. Though I'm sure it's more capable than I'll ever need.
Mine is the f525, I'll grab some pics at some point if anyone's interested.

Trent said:
He made an hour and a half long video about the restoration of the roof of the French barn. He goes into that tool at some point. He said it isn't very good at any one task but it does them all well enough to be crucial on those kind of jobs
It was in one of his most recent videos - it was only for a minute, but he talked about the brand and model.
His videos are worth watching - the barn restoration was epic but he does other things as well, and has a sly sense of humor too.
Yup, Shopsmith would be a US equivalent and they are still made and available.
I have one from the 60's that works great and the accessories and upgrades are compatible which makes it quite handy to expand its capabilities as your skills/needs allow.
The secondary market and DIY nature is kinda crazy and fun to dig into.