Mark Your Calendars: 2025 SCCA Appalachian HillClimb Series Schedule

By J.A. Ackley
Aug 7, 2024 | Flag Rock HillClimb, Pine Mountain HillClimb, SCCA Appalachian HillClimb Series, Dragon HillClimb

Photography Credit: Guess Work Photography/SCCA Appalachian HillClimb Series

It may be only August, but the SCCA Appalachian HillClimb Series has already announced its 2025 schedule. The three hillclimbs in 2024 return for next year.

     April 25-27: Pine Mountain HillClimb – Pineville, Ky.

     June 27-29: Flag Rock HillClimb – Norton, Va.

     July 25-27: Dragon HillClimb XIX – Robbinsville, N.C.

The only change was moving the Pine Mountain HillClimb back one weekend due to Easter falling on its traditional date.

Furthermore, the series is still working on securing a fourth date for 2025.

For more information, visit

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BA5 GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
8/7/24 12:55 p.m.

Ooooo. I will in fact mark my calendar for these.

Colin Wood
Colin Wood Associate Editor
8/7/24 2:02 p.m.

In reply to BA5 :

Me too. I keep saying I'm going to head to Pine Mountain, so maybe 2025 will be the year.

DavyZ Reader
8/7/24 2:57 p.m.

Funny, but I can get to Pine Mountain, VA faster than I can get to Robbinsville, NC from Charlotte frown Ugh!

J.A. Ackley
J.A. Ackley Senior Editor
8/7/24 4:05 p.m.
DavyZ said:

Funny, but I can get to Pine Mountain, VA faster than I can get to Robbinsville, NC from Charlotte frown Ugh!

Both are about the same for me from Knoxville, Tennessee. I thought Robbinsville is longer, but it might just seem that way.

Feedyurhed UltraDork
8/7/24 7:08 p.m.

Yes,  I will try to get to one of those!

RyanCheekRacing New Reader
8/8/24 10:21 a.m.

Let's goooooo!

metallitubby New Reader
8/14/24 1:39 p.m.

Awesome! I'll see you kids out there!

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