Your Projects: Preparing a JDM Mitsubishi Galant VR4 for Hill Climbing

By Colin Wood
Jan 15, 2021 | Mitsubishi, Galant, Your Projects, VR4

What do you do when you have nothing better to do? Well, if you are forum user Shawnb, you go and buy an imported Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 and then build it into a hill climb car.

More on that second part later.

What started out as a search for the perfect Autozam AZ-1 ended up turning into a realization that a Galant VR-4 was what Shawnb was really after: “The GVR4 wasn't perfect, but I wanted it.”

Shawnb also discovered that this VR-4 was also a rare EVO Spec example that featured “different bumper, vented hood, AMG seats, Big 16g turbo, 510cc injectors, larger intercooler and piping, different fuel pump and MAF, dual runner intake manifold which is controlled by the ECU. Different transmission, which has a shorter gearset, and a 4 bolt rear end with 4WS.”

Back to the end goal for this project: Shawnb came to decision after an unfortunate incident in which the car’s oil filter got in a fight with a boulder in the road…and lost. After some soul searching, Shawnb then decided to take Galant and build it from a fun car to a full-on race car–specifically, a hill climb car.

Now, with a pile of new parts and a Group A-style livery in the works, you’ll have to check out the build thread over on the Builds and Projects Forum to see how this project turns out.

All because Shawnb had nothing better to do.

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engiekev HalfDork
1/15/21 11:27 a.m.

How have I not seen this??? Epic!

Shawnb Reader
1/15/21 2:14 p.m.
engiekev said:

How have I not seen this??? Epic!

You're 3d printing my fog light covers :)



Cool to see this pop up.

Carbon (Forum Supporter)
Carbon (Forum Supporter) UltraDork
1/15/21 6:11 p.m.

Berkley yes! 

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