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Nicole Suddard
Nicole Suddard

Nicole was born in 1993 in Daytona Beach, FL and was intended by her parents to be a companion for her older brother, Associate Editor Chris Tropea (who of course, at the age of 1 and a half years old, was not yet Associate Editor). Growing up in the so-called birthplace of speed, Nicole had many fond encounters with the motorsports world, with the fondest of all being riding around town with her dad in his red Conquest.

Nicole met Tom Suddard in high school, where they were often sat next to each other in class due to alphabetical order. When they started dating after junior year, Tom made a point of showing up for dates in a different car every time.

Shortly after graduating from Stetson University in 2015, Nicole started working at a local digital marketing startup, where she learned how to sway the digital masses through the power of emails and online advertising. This made her solid poaching material a few years later when Grassroots Motorsports was looking for a new marketing hire. In the meantime, Nicole and Tom got married.

Since January of 2020, Nicole has worked in the marketing department at Grassroots Motorsports and Classic Motorsports. She has her little hands all over your daily and weekly email updates, the partner emails you get from our sponsors, our special event websites, and many of the things you order from our online stores. She’s also who you’ll likely reach if you call our publishing office, email our customer support address, or visit our merchandise booth at an event. She maintains that a bad day at Motorsport Marketing, Inc. still beats the heck out of any good day at a normal job.

Contact Nicole Suddard

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