Fuel Economy articles, project cars, conversations, and more

Fuel Economy News

At what mpg do you consider a car to be fuel-efficient?

In a world in which 30+ mpg is practically the norm, what do you consider to be "fuel-efficient?"

This is the most inefficient carmaker of 2021, according to the EPA

Which car brand do you think has the highest number of cars of the EPA's "Least Efficient Cars by EPA Size Class" list for 2021?

What’s the worst fuel mileage you’ve gotten out of a road vehicle?

Forum user A 401 CJ asked what car, truck or road-going vehicle you have driven or owned that returned the worst fuel economy–excluding military vehicles.

Does Newer Always Mean More Fuel-Efficient?

Are newer cars really more fuel-efficient than their classic counterparts?

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Fuel Economy Forum Topics

At what point does it make sense to buy a more fuel efficient car?
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