Started on March 22 by Brayden_Connolly

1981 Fiat X1/9

Winter Rally Beater… This 1981 Fiat X1/9 features Natural Weight savings with aftermarket options like see through shock towers and floor pans to allow you to get the “full experience” while your passing one of those “winter rally Miatas”. Lifted on Fiat 128 suspension it rides like a family car and handles just about anything winter can throw at it! In the summer it makes a fun offroading car to replace your Jeep while your rebuilding the engine… again. The rally inspired light bar out performs the headlights and allows you to see miles ahead… so you can avoid the oncoming drivers you’ve blinded and are now swerving uncontrollably into your lane. All in all its a good round town car and a great way to blow off steam when you need to get out of the garage in the winter!

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