Started on Aug. 16 by ekauppi7

1971 Lotus Europa

Project car

Latest updates
Aug. 20
interior 2

Interior, as I bought it

Aug. 20
As I bought it

This is how it looked when I bought it.

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Aug. 18, 2009, 3:08 p.m.

Let's see some photos.

Aug. 19, 2009, 8:59 a.m.

Huh, I tried to add some photos last night, didn't work. I wonder what I did wrong?

Aug. 21, 2009, 12:45 a.m.

Load `em up on photobucket, flickr, or someplace similar online. Make that "album" public, and post that net addy on the "show more pictures" part of your car's profile. For individual pics, right click on a pic, select "properties", and copy that addy into the "insert photo" option on your profile. I'll give ya a vote up just because you're trying to save a Europa. I've always loved those cars. Looks like yours is as much of a project as my Alfa, tho..<grin> BTW:

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