Dec 17, 2011 update on motomoron's 1990 Mazda Miata

Fix everything right the first time...

And it just keeps working. Funny thing.

The Miata is always fun, all the time. Want to improve your heel-toe technique? Practice race techniques below incarceration speed? get a Miata.

In the year+ following the comprehensive rebuild of the suspension and general full service the car has been stone reliable. The tired battery finally expired, so I got a new one. I replaced the ratty top w/ a nice new Robbins, which isn’t such a hateful job. The solder joint on the heater fan resister pack fusible link failed and it took 30 minutes to diagnose, remove, solder, and reinstall the part. Which coincidentally says “do not solder” on it’s case. I replaced the completely bald (I can’t remember what they were - the favored autocross tire 4 years ago) w/ a set of Direzza ‘Specs. Much better. I rolled the inside fender lips the other day. Otherwise - that’s all. 130k and it drives like a new car.


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