Dec 3, 2010 update on dollraves's 1991 Mazda Miata

To be continued...

After getting the Miata fired up a few weeks ago, I left it at my warehouse space in Oakland until I had a chance to really give it a test drive. This turned out to be a wise decision.

I went back to Oakland and drove the car 15 minutes over to Alameda to meet friends for after-dinner drinks, finally getting the car over 25mph. The sluggish response and bouncing rpms seems like a slipping clutch disk to me… the GTX did the same thing. Unfortunately, there’s also a griiiiiiiiiiinding that occurs once I hit 25mph. I’m thinking wheel bearings, but haven’t had the chance to start taking the car apart to check.

I’m starting to have $2011 ideas…terrible, horrible ideas…and since I’m moving in a few months to a house where I shall have one entire three car garage to myself, I’m thinking I should hold off until I move before really tearing the car apart.

So, my dears, the Miata’s tale is on hold until April. I promise to make it worth the wait!


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