My Miata project: 1650lbs wet Stock 1.6 Koni’s and H&R’s Under $700 into it so far. Update: I added a torsen and 550/350 springs on adjustable perches over the winter. I also get a set of 3pc panasports that I picked up on the classifieds for $500!.
Can you post some close up photos of the windshild cowl area? I would like to see how you closed in the a pillars.
Sure I will get some soon. But all I did was cut out a piece of 16 guage steel that matched the cross section of the pillars and then welded around.
I think the only way to make this more awesome is to have one of those button-fastened passenger compartment covers.
Just sick! Thanks for the opportunity to drive the beast at the provincial. What a way to fly...and we were at the airport to boot! Later.
Hey mind pointing me in the right direction with your suspension settings specifically camber and toe? Thanks
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