Started on March 4 by Docc

1953 Jaguar XK120SE


Ex-SCCA racer most of it’s life. Retired from racing in late 60s. I bought it in 1973..single aluminum bucket, roll bar, metal dash..set up with hung heel’n’toe pedals. Completed total mechanical rebuild 10/2006. New crate350 done “period” camel humps..2.02s..ported. T-10..power lock diff..modified suspension.

Latest updates
April 11

Before it was rebuilt as a XK150S

April 10
Two Jags waiting in 1980

1959 XK150 roadster, finished with 64 3.8L E Type to make a XK150S clone. 1952 …

April 10
1973..Coming out of the barn

Getting the 120 out of the barn to do the first build in 1974. It …

April 10
1974 With Dad in 120SE

Before it was gray the 120 was white. Here is the first rebuild in 1974. …

July 17
In with the new motor.

Old SBC 350..assembled and in place

July 17
First ride

Back from first drive

July 17
First test ride

11/2006 out on Pistol Hill Rd near Tucson

March 12

Modified C/M racer with SBC converted originally in 1957. All new in 2006

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March 13, 2009, 6:06 a.m.

Docc you should edit the ride to have a pic, too.

July 17, 2009, 4:20 a.m.

That is just awesome. I love it. How do the Jag purists react? (On the one hand it has a V8, but on the other it IS period correct.)

July 17, 2009, 8:24 p.m.

I get mixed reviews..mostly positive when they hear the history..and see how well all the mods were done. Things like the heel and toe pedals hung not floor mounted..large torsion bars..and thicker rear springs.. We build for ourselves..I appreciate the those that like it..and those that don't have every opportunity to build thier own !

July 17, 2009, 8:35 p.m.

Tim, sorry for the long delay, I didn't realize anyone posted comments or looked at my old war horse. I just now figured out that I didn't put the picture with my ride. Thanks

Sept. 29, 2009, 8:24 p.m.

Very, very cool.

April 10, 2010, 1:32 p.m.

Beauty and the beast! hehe just gorgeous.

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