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lfx News

You Need This: LFX V6-swapped ND Miata built by V8R Performance

Don't let the stock looks fool you, this ND Miata is packing a 3.6-liter LFX V6 from a Chevy Camaro.

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lfx project car updates

How to upgrade an LFX’s PCV system for track use

Our V6-swapped Miata was rapidly approaching finished, and past experience with modern direct-injected engines taught us to anticipate one problem before it began: the stock LFX PCV system. …

Broke a CV Joint: This is how we will prevent that from happening again

We ended our Miata’s first race early, loading the car on its trailer with a broken CV joint and a missing transmission. (It’s a long story.) Now home, it …

Haste makes waste: What happens when you rush to race

“At least the winch is working!” “Yeah, this trailer is sweet! So, where do you want all the parts?”

We’d ended an endurance race in our LFX V6-swapped …

What you learn from your first time racing a new car

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For years we’d built and built: Through Covid, through supply chain challenges, through multiple shops 500 miles apart, we’d kept working …

Giving our Miata the aero edge that it really deserves

We’d tripled our Miata’s OEM horsepower via an LFX swap, and this fact sent chills down our spine: We’ve raced this car at Daytona, and even with only …

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OneLapHeroes - One Lap Europe - Trailer
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