I'd like to echo the "where is it" comment . . .
Not my favourite colour, but at this point with E21s there isn't a vast selection to choose from.
At this moment its in pittsburgh pa in about 8 hours it will be in washington dc then on tuesday back in pgh. I am driving the car and having a blast. A pretty vocal member and son came and looked at her yesterday "goddam tire kickers" no just kidding it was a great time meeting them just was not car for them maybe he will chime in on the car. I have a buyer for the car but would like to see a forum member get it really because finding cars is tough for under 1500 that are fun and interesting
Dude did you adjust the price? I see :( m to recall this thing being more? I would love to come take it off your hands but with the recent info of about how much longer SWMBO job is going to last. I've gotta do the responsible thing and pass on it.
$1,200.00 is the price just got back to DC area what a trip this is a great car for the money if no one from the forum picks this up by the end of the month it is going to New York to a friend that rebuilds pre 89 BMWs and Porsches and he will save her and sale her.
i took the back way back came across 40 coming up out of Uniontown Pa is a steep 4 mile grade she pulled it in 4th gear at 60mph
here she is at the top of the summit
at the cross roads to the right is boring to the left is a great road
this is what lays ahead of you after you make a left
when you get this car in its powerband from 3500rpm to 5500rpm she can be fun
here she is taking a rest after 15 miles of twistys on top of 15mile summit
had to do a couple high speed runs had her up to 120mph rock steady
someone buy her and give her a good home she deserves it. i put 900 miles on her this weekend in two days. she went from dc to pgh and a quick run up to erie pa and back she averaged 25mpg did not use a drop of oil and the looks from other people and other bimmer drivers giving the thumbs up priceless
Ok -- if no one else buys it before the end of the month I will figure out how to get it to me in Canada -- it sure is a sweet price.
Sine_Qua_Non wrote: Wanna trade it for a Volvo 1800ES?
very interested in that trade send pics and discription of car and where it is. there is one forum member who is letting me know if he is taking it by the end of week so he has first dibs
send pics to mark@ctsinc.org
GREAT looking car, keep posting bargains on here maybe one day ill be in a good enough spot to pick one up. I'm not even that far from you.
In reply to cutter67:
It won't be an even swap. Looks like you already have a sale at this point with the other board member.
In reply to Sine_Qua_Non:
i would really like to see some pics the member would understand. i have never had a ES a 1800 yes but no ES and you really peaked my interest
In reply to cutter67:
I have the cash lined up for you.......
Granted, its still your car of course.
In reply to yamaha:
you are the proud owner of a BMW E21 you better take care of her and look forward to meeting you in Dayton on Sunday Mark
You buy an old model but looking so good. I was found many like this on here search multiple craigslist for sale in reasonable price. If you are interested then you can check and find.
In reply to ZOO:
i am too...you living in the great white north are able get so many cool cars we cant here in the lower 48 that i am sure you will find a great project for you and your son.....
thanks for all the interest in the car everyone
I would cover that rusty front plate holder with a plate of any kind, a Confederate flag, a flaming skull from Pep Boys, etc. the plate holder makes car look worse than it is. those cars are decent, get no respect because they came after the beloved 2002.
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