I keep forgetting most of the stuff I have has a possible interest here, and even if I don't sell it here, I won't end up with idiotic responses. You all "get it".
Anywho. I took a trip out to Portland a couple months back, and I was planning to pick up an Aspen wagon in Wyoming on the way back. Well, to do that, I needed either a trailer or a dolly, and I sure as heck wasn't going to drag one 2000 miles out to Portland, just so I could drag it 1000 miles back to Wyoming before towing the car home. Renting wasn't an option, either, since it would be about $500. So, I found this out in Oregon, and dragged it back to retrieve my prize. It worked well, although the car got pretty dirty in the mountains due to the lack of fenders, and the odd FWD wheels that were on it wore the tires unevenly. I swapped on different wheels and used tires in S Dakota, and the rest of the trip was uneventful.
(photos are all with the old 16" FWD wheels on it, unfortunately)
What it is- a "Car Tote by Automatic" brand tow dolly. The tow bed swivels, and of course, tilts to load the car. 67" wide bed, IIRC. No lights on it, and no fenders, as stated, but I prefer magnetic lights on the back of the car anyway. I never got a title in Oregon, as they aren't required there, and never needed one in Illinois, as they aren't required here, either.
Extra-special GRM price? $450. No ups, no extras.