I bought these parts from diyautotune.com to use on my $2008 Challenge car. After running out of time, I ended up buying an assembled unit instead.
So, I would like to sell the unassembled kit. They are brand new and still in the shrinkwrap as shipped by DIY. I never even unwrapped them.
Here are the details:
MS ECU, PCB2.2 - unassembled kit (part number MS 122-K)
12' wiring harness for the MS I/II ECU (part number MSHarness 12)
JimStim v1.3 kit w/ wheel simulator (part number JimStim-K)
I paid $282.95 shippped. I am asking $250 shipped.
Bump. Anyone interested? I could use the money towards other projects.
Bump for new price. $200 shipped!
What Firmware? If I read it correctly it will run fuel and spark with the MSnS-Extra firmware. I have an EDIS based programable ignition setup in my car at the moment controled by Megajolt and I have been considering going to the complete stand alone. I need to do some homework and see if it will work.
Here is a link to that I was reading.
MegaSquirt-I Programmable EFI System PCB2.2 at DIY
Are you open to offers? or is $200 firm? Ya I know probably a dumb question but I am on a really thin budget at the moment. Saving to purchase a house and trying to play with cars does not mix well. Oh Ya Did I mention the Kid in College? I am so poor it is not even funny. If nothing else it is a free bump 
The unit you linked too is the fully assembled version. DIY mentions adding the MSnS-Extra firmware as part of the assembly process. I would imagine you could do that on what I'm selling, but you would have to do it on your own, rather than DIY performing the upgrade.
I'm firm at this point. I came out of pocket close to $300 and haven't even unwrapped the darn stuff. I'd hate to lose more than $100.
I have to think about this really hard. Have you spoken to DIY about returning it? Even if there is a restocking fee of 20 percent you would only be out $60 or so. I know I am not helping my cause here but I can sympathize with the loosing $$$$$, I have about $200 in stuff that I got that I don't need now for my 924ssc project due to my going with the megajolt rout. If I went with MS I will have a MJLJ unit for sale as well. I need to get my but in gear and get this stuff up for sale to fund my MS effort!!!