That is a great ad!
Overtake street cars with the greatest of ease...
Can you make these handle? I really like that. Are they usually this cheap?
one of my friends just sold his. same year, color, and options. i swore it was the same car till i saw the location. think he got 1500 for it.
Looks insanely clean. I prefer this one though:

Swank Force One wrote:
Can you make these handle?
GRM did a story on a husband wife team planking two of these on the track.
What's not to like?
Swank Force One,
as the former owner of a '76 Pinto, the biggest problem with making these handle is that for such a small car they are fairly heavy. Most folks used to say that a NON-hatchback Pinto was a better basis for a handling machine as the rear hatch is heavy.