I'm parting out a 91 Miata. White, rusty. Most parts except front bumper and fenders available. Nearly new tombstone. Rear finish panel has a small crack near license plate but otherwise good.
Dash is good. Gauge hood has two broken tabs because some idiot removed it too quickly. Even after snapping the tabs on my other gauge hood and going extremely slowly and carefully with this one.
How much will you give me?
I have everything you need except the dash harness (that you probably wouldn't need anyway?). I'll see what they usually go for.
Evan, I'll take the cluster and (if they aren't beat up) both mirrors. PM me a price shipped to 53212 and a PayPal addy.
I'll have to check on the mirrors, they are currently at my parents place an hour north. I'll let you know.
Now that I think of it I think the spring in the mirror may have been stuck and rusted when I took them off 8 years ago. I'll check on them and see.
Let me know - the one on my car's driver side is so floppy that it won't hold position and is totally useless. My passenger is OK but looks a little beat up.
I could also use the knee panel that covers the bottom of the steering column, FWIW.
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