I've passed this place riding my bike at least 100x and I figured I'd just let you know of it's existence. I'm not sure what they plan to do with all these Lancias, Alfas and Fiats(there are few more cars that didn't make it in the pics). They just brought in a Focus and a V6 stang, so who knows. There are also four or five 3kGTs as well. I can't get close enough to take any close up pics, but the next time the gate is open, I'll roll in there and see what's up(assuming anyone cares).

at first I thought they mighta found Jimmy Hoffa
fasted58 wrote:
at first I thought they mighta found Jimmy Hoffa
Find one for the Swedish type and I am there.
How many lancias were there? I see a scorpion and I think 2 beta zagatos.
I think there were three Betas, maybe 6 or 7 of those Fiat Spiders, probably a car or two I'm forgetting.
A small towing company that will only go out and snatch obscure Italian cars. Now there is a reality TV show that we could all watch.
glueguy wrote:
A small towing company that will only go out and snatch obscure Italian cars. Now there is a reality TV show that we could all watch.
All it would take is a guy with a really stupid hair cut, a really stupid side kick and a girl who thinks she's really hot.
In reply to glueguy:
They'll have to can it after three episodes for lack of material as all the GRMs bought up the remaining Biturbos.
BoxheadTim wrote:
In reply to glueguy:
They'll have to can it after three episodes for lack of material as all the GRMs bought up the remaining Biturbos.
Heck no it won't. There is a show about looking for a Sasquatch!
The Biturbo becomes the automotive squatch.
Stopped by and spoke to one of the tow truck drivers. Apparently at least one of the Lancias runs, as do at least 2 of the Fiats. They belong to the business owner and he is definitely willing to sell the car. He apparently just sold one or two.