This is an idea we've been kicking around: Should we offer a cheap, simple kit for learning to solder? This would be an easy-to-solder PCB with some simple components, packaged like our MegaSquirt kits. We have been debating two options:
A little gizmo with blinking lights that doesn't really have any useful functions, but costs less than $10.
Something that has a limited automotive function, such as a shift light, fan controller, or narrow band O2 readout. This may cost a bit more, around $20 tops for something simple.
Which one would you guys prefer, and if we went with option 2, what sort of simple gadget would you like to see? It would probably just be a PCB, no case.
Option 2, shift light. Sequential if possible? 
Thanks for the feedback! So far, a sequential shift light is looking like the winner by a landslide - both here and elsewhere.
A "learn to solder" kit should probably come with a soldering iron, tip, small loop of solder and a video of how to do it properly... and then something to practice on, otherwise, you are just selling an "Easy to build" shift light.
To answer the question you asked... something that is useful is better than something that is not. Option #2.
We're still trying to track down a wholesale source of soldering irons actually worth using, but that's likely to be part of the line as well.
YES... YES DIYautotune should...
I took a soldering class at the local community college back in '04 or so purely because I wanted to build a MS... $150 is a good chunk of change for someone not sure on their soldering skills... heck I was top of my class and have torn into computers to resolder joints and was still slightly nervous about the build
I'm sure you don't want to go crazy with your start kit offerings but the first thing that jumped into my mind was a narrowband kit.... but yes a blinky super simple kit would prob a good starter...
a quick search and I found this...
for how to solder vid... i'm sure you guys could put together a nice one you could include with the kit... or could do a nice service and post it with your branding on youtube...
A narrow band kit was the first thing that came to mind for us too. But it looks like - based on feedback from several car forums - that the sequential shift light kit won out. Thanks for the feedback, everyone!
I think you should have a video of assembling the MS kit. Maybe you can narrate some basic soldering techniques during the video.
8/13/11 9:10 p.m.
I thought the stim was for learning how to solder while being useful when done?
8/13/11 9:14 p.m.
What about a tach convertor? They seem to sell for $100 or more. I need one soon as I will be sending a 6 cyl signal to a 4 cylinder tachometer.
That's another thing about megasquirt. The tachometer output setting in megatune only allows halving. I need it to output at 2/3.
^+1 to that, i forgotted about that. I have the same dilemma.
I'd buy a $20 something, as long as it was at least semi-useful. I'd like to learn how to solder.
The Stim does have a lot of those functions, but we had some people suggest a device that is cheaper and to some extent self testing.
The tach divider is an interesting idea too. We'll have to look into it.
Haven't forgotten this idea, but have a couple other big projects in the works too.