Event #1 COMPLETE!
Today's event at Summit Point had a good turnout (about 50 cars), and the weather was perfect. Unfortunately, Stuart and Spencer (who have a 318is) couldn't get the car up there today due to lack of tags/trailer, so I let them co-drive mine (with trepidation!). Ironically, one of them got to do the first run in my car, not me, lol. All I asked of them is not to break it!
Anyhow, the course was alot of fun - water truck early, dried out late. Morning runs were around 60 seconds for the really fast guys (my best was about 69 seconds). At the lunchbreak we had 5 runs complete. I was about 30 seconds behind the class leader in an RX-7 (who won the class last year), and about 7 total seconds behind the 2nd place car (another RX-7). I was ahead of my co-drivers, and the co-drivers for both of the RX-7s.
Morning course was fairly soft and got rutted up later in the session, but overall was a nice setup, and aside from my complete lack of power killing me exiting a few slow transitions I thought the car handled pretty well. It was blanced with a slight nod toward oversteer, rotated well when I wanted it to, and overall felt very light on its feet.
I was running about 33psi cold on the rally tires, which is higher than the more experienced guys do. Wanted to be sure not to de-bead as I learned this car, but I think I'll drop a bit next time out. Traction really wasn't a major issue though, I feel like I had plenty of it.....the lack of power really killed me. I need to learn to carry more speed through slow transitions - hard to do since I'm a WRX/V6 guy who is used to power on-tap when I want it, lol.
In the afternoon the reversed the course and changed up alot of it. It was VERY hardpack, pretty rough, and very fast on a long downhill multi-slalom into a R-L-R sweeper. I was probably more tentative on the downhill than I should have been, and on the 2nd run I tried to adjust, carried too much speed, and LTO'd around (but managed to stay on course after a stop/drift backwards/go evolution).
We'll see how the times end up when they're posted.
A few things I learned about my driving:
- need to work on carrying exit speed
- need to work on using the rear end to line me up better
- need a keep the car in its powerband better, though gearing is going to make that difficult.
A few things about the car:
- car made it through with no damage or anything that I can tell, and the drive home was fine (though I might need to tweak the alignment).
- I did get an occasional clunk from the right rear (as did my co-drivers), but couldn't pinpoint when or why it was happening specifically. Will inspect to make sure all the subframe stuff is fully tightened up, then check for other things.
- I need to put this magnaflow on. Not being able to hear the exhaust over the rocks/gravel/wind noise sucks. And it's boring.
- Steering wasn't as much of an issue as I thought it would be. I will still put the e36 rack on, but I didn't have any trouble with trying to make quick moves on steering, that I noticed.
- Remember to seal up the trunk side-sill vents. My entire trunk had a 1/2" of dust inside it after the runs. doh.
- Car height is good. Looks like my skid only contacted anything once, since there's a muddy smear on one side of it. I'd say only 4 or 5 other cars there had more overall ground clearance than I did.
All in all, had a great time and found that rallycross is SO much more fun than autocross (which I've loved for years). Even in a 100hp M10 e30, I enjoyed today's driving more than I've ever enjoyed a day of autocross (100+ events). Overall a well-setup event that ran on time, ran without a hitch (other than a few course adjustments and a subie that blew out a LCA/axle on his first run), and the weather was beautiful. Standing in a scenic field with barns and trees nearby is preferable than standing on a hot parking lot :)
Also I like how the course changes on every run. From runs 1 to 5, the course required TOTALLY different driving technique due to compacting, material relocation, rutting, etc. Keeps it interesting.
ok, so here's a couple vids of the course (am and pm sessions), and some random pics. There were a few REAL photographers there, so these are just a few snaps from my compact camera. The ones of my car are with one of the co-drivers running, obviously.
scenic Summit Point

kickin it

the 4-person ETA team, who ran strong (not sure if I beat them or not). They get a hell of alot of action out of a 4200-rpm redline. ONe of them said they had to go into 4th on occasion!!

through the trees


the ETA guys had the radiator crack or something, just thought this was an epic pic

at lunch, swung through the main circuit paddock. It was apparently supercar day there....R8s, GT-Rs, Porches, and other things I can never afford were all over the place.
I did get a funny look from a SpecE30 racer (older gentleman) who drove by me the opposite direction in the paddock, lol.

cruisin' home with the GC 2.5RS boys..two of the fastest cars of the day, I'm betting.