I hate to make it sound like i'm bagging on Dan, because i'm really not...
But his other MX3 is probably better suited for showing what an MX3 is really capable of.
The F2MX3 is probably best suited for being a brawler. (Not that that's a bad thing.)
But yes, they are filled with untapped potential. Drive one sometime. (Preferably the V6 model.) EXTREMELY rigid and stiff chassis. Wide, short, great interior, one of the best handling FWD cars i've ever experienced in stock form, and they only get better.
The other one will be seen at next years challenge... I have quite a large budget left on it ;-) I'm in it $304 Muah Ha Ha Ha. I'm very partial to the F2T car though and don't see it goin anywhere soon. The trans I redid for it works great!!!! Just workin on finishing up reinstalling the interior and cleaning up everything.
Sure could :-D. We have all sorts of neat perks for working here... Arnold Palmer Hole Signature Golf, Pontoon Boats, Discounts to other properties, Ect. You coming to the Challenge Winston?
Sweet! Man, that would be so great... eat lunch in 5 minutes, fish for 25 minutes.
I won't be at the Challenge, unfortunately. I keep telling myself that I'll build a car one year, but I always have another project that's taking my time and funds (like my Spitfire right now). Maybe I'll team up with somebody... donalson just moved pretty close to me, and he has a car in the works.
Lol He lived pretty close to me when I lived in Panama City, FL.
And thanks Ben! Let's make it run as good as it looks ;-)
So this morning a deer decided he wanted to see if the Schnozberries really tasted like Schnozberries :-( .... On my way to work while passing a car after being on the interstate for less than a mile, a deer runs from the median into my car. being there was a car beside me, not much i could do to avoid it :-( Geez this sucks, but at least I have comprehensive on it so i hope it'll be repaired and not totalled. If i have the option to buy it back i will!!!
Oh dear! Pretty sure that will be a total...the book on that car can't be too much any more, and 2/3 of that will write it off to the insurance company. Good luck.
Then fight 'em. Take the $, buy it back with a salvage title. The insurance company cannot force you to give up the car.
Sorry to see that happen, though.
Dude you don't have to accept the "totaled" option, make em fix it. you have a build thread, take all the pictures, and work documented on it. Make em fix it! or fight tooth and nail till you get better than 2k out of it, and a non salvage title.
Oh its not goin anywhere, i'll park it and locate the radiator support, and the other parts are easy to find. By next year it should be quite the machine...
dansxr2 wrote: Oh its not goin anywhere, i'll park it and locate the radiator support, and the other parts are easy to find. By next year it should be quite the machine...
Yes! That's the right attitude!
I am so sorry about what happened, that is so devastating to see just as a spectator, I can't imagine how you must feel :(
This is what makes you a true racer, though. As attached as we get to these big 4-wheeled machines, we use them, drive them hard, and are ready to fix them when we break them. It's not so much of an "if" but a "when"... I just think that you probably weren't expecting anything so soon after all of the hard work that you just put into her. We can never be ready for these things.
I am so sorry. Keep your chin up, though, and keep the positive attitude. I wish you the best, and I know you'll get it done :)
He's only fixing it because i got him hungry for more boost. You should have seen his E36 M3-eating grin when i told him to keep cranking the boost and we ended up at 15psi with more headroom to go.
This is a fast car!
Its such a difference with that 2871R getting into its efficency range.... Much faster than before I got to the challenge!!!! I probably gained 60+hp at the dragstrip when we put the chipped ECU from the Probe and Manual Boost Controller on.... over the winter I'm wanting to go to larger injectors.... and MOAR BOOST!!!!!!!!!!! I swear its talks to me and says, "Please put me to at least 20psi please".... (;-))
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