fornetti14 said:I don't think I've ever seen a green 6th gen out in the wild and this car looks amazing!
I bought a used 2020 in Riverside Blue (RS V6, 10-speed) and the finish on my paint is also horrible. I'm starting to think they left the factory that way.
thanks, appreciate that!
looks awesome man! you're not the only one that likes that color, its SUCH a good blue and a color i rarely see. and i would gladly trade my wheels for yours, they're such a good look.
the V6/10spd is wildly capable for 3.6 liters shoving that much car around. i'm pretty sure i've seen guys get under 5 second 0-60 times with good tires. still blows my mind.
@fornetti14 Shoutout to a fellow 6th Gen V6 owner! I just picked mine up too and am loving it so far!
@ScottyB I love that color green, its incredible. And it sounds so good in that video! Interested to read more of how the car treats you.
bigmack101 said:@ScottyB I love that color green, its incredible. And it sounds so good in that video! Interested to read more of how the car treats you.
thank ya sir! i appreciate it. i definitely never see myself coming or going. unfortunately this also means i'll never find a replacement panel already in my color lol.
well just little slice of life updates:
i wasn't sure if this was a modern car problem or just GM crapiness but about a month ago, started the camaro at Costco tach. Everything else is fine, cluster is fine just no tach. Weird. Get home and find the extra engine grounding cable I installed was touching the main harness grounding cable. Re-oriented the wires with more air gap, problem solved. then a week ago I jumped in to go to work after briefly washing the car on Saturday (it sat wet for 2 days basically) and went to turn on the stereo. Nothing from the speakers, including no turn signal clicks, menu button beep-boops, door silence. Restarted the car an hour later at work and it's fine again.
turns out it was a battery starting to die, these things are wildly sensitive to that. i'm used to basic as heck OBD2 and this is what the rest of the civilized world has already been dealing with the last 15 years without me i guess.
this past weekend she went up on the jacks for a fresh rip of that Dexcool orange drank. almost 60k miles now and 5 years old so i felt like it was time. got 1.5 gal out, it takes 3 so i'll do another drain/refill another time and that should get the coolant PH where it belongs.
check all that filth that i pulled out of the lower rad shroud while i was in there.
easy access once the under-chin aero panel is off.
also rotated tires. guys can you help me solve this mystery? how could my rear tires chunk in such a way as to suggest they were spun at a high rate of speed against the pavement and created excess heat? if only there were answers. i shall ponder.
(but seriously i'm gonna kill these things and i'll be sure to post the footage)
APEowner said:I think that tire wear is normal. Every car I've owned has exhibited a similar wear pattern.
well, my bad attempt at a joke was that i've done a couple rowdy 1st gear rolling burnouts trying to turn these things to ash and they're so dang hard (500TW) they just kinda chunk a bit but don't wear too much otherwise. i've got some negative camber dialed in so its only on the inside edge.
Tony Sestito said:I cannot stress enough how cool that car is. That color is incredible.
thanks! sorry there's not much motorsports happening quite yet with this thing, but it still sets off all the car-guy feels every time i see it and drive it.
its a good day every time the sunrise drapes over that long vented hood.
what else? oh yeah, i put a hitch on it! this feels next-level redneck but i gotta get my bike to the trail somehow! Can't wait to make some Camaro boomers deeply uncomfortable.
Took the opportunity to shoot some dry lube into the adjustable exhaust butterfly actuators that are in the outer two tubes
The center pipes are heavily muffled while the outer two are essentially straight piped
here's a neat cutaway showing the pipe routing, just for fun
Just enough room for the tire trays when it's folded up!
found a rad lil spot in town, i need to go back without my potato-cam
and i think i met the boss level for Costco hauls. got this ALL in the car along with my son in the passenger seat. yeah, i had stuff up to the top of the seats in the back but it 100% can handle real cargo. and also now you know i shamelessly wear kirland jeans.
AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) said:moar pix of hitch attachment and any bumper cover mods required, thanks!
sure, although i'm sorry to say i don't have any shots showing the hitch attached to the chassis without the bumper. its very straightforward though - basically, the hitch frame "endplates" sandwich between the unibody and the aluminum crash bar. you just hang it on the crashbar studs and then with the crashbar placed back over it, tighten all the bolts down again. its very easy to visualize once you see what the hitch looks like. it took me longer to get the bumper cover off than to actually install the physical hitch! probably weighs, i dunno, 30 lbs?
the only modification is a little nip from a dremel wheel to carve out about a 2x2 square at the very bottom of the valence for hitch receiver clearance. the plastic is very soft and although it cuts easy be sure to slow down the cutting wheel or you get big melty globs of plastic to sand down.
Paris Van Gorder said:In reply to ScottyB :
This is Tetris Master level loading
thank you, i feel like this is a certification that was written into the Sacred Dad Code at the dawn of the horse-drawn wagon and passed down ever since, that all must fathers must pass at some point either for the sake of their spouses or their kids.
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