It has been a while since I updated this thread, mostly because I haven't really been doing much. But, stuff is happening, just not here. I sent the distributor off to Jeff at Advanced Distributors, as he has been highly touted as the expert on setting up the Lucas dizzy specifically for your motor. Dealing with him kind of reminds me of the "Soup Nazi" on Seinfeld. He wants you to send the dist. with a full fact sheet about the engine mods (good) and include your credit card data including the security # on the back (made me uncomfortable). Also, no price list or even an estimate. Did it anyway, and sent a text after 3 weeks just asking if he had received the package... said I sent it off "several weeks ago". He responded immediately that he was "a bit insulted" as it had been only 2 weeks since he received it. But, it was done, and ready to ship. On the fact sheet I had asked if he could convert it to vacuum advance (smog-era TR6s used vacuum retard), and I asked if he could send it directly to my engine builder (Sam Halkias, in Ohio). Now it's been 2 more weeks, there is a charge on my card (a reasonable price) but I have no idea what he's done or where he is sending (or has sent) my part! I'm kind of afraid to ask him...he may say "No dizzy for you!" (again with the Seinfeld reference).
Similar progress (or lack thereof) regarding my carbs. The Zenith-Stromberg guru among the TR cogniscenti (6-Pack club) is a guy in MS named Ken who goes by "poolboy" online (no idea why). I touted my build, said flattering things regarding what I'd heard about his work, and asked about having the pair rebuilt. He responded that he's not a business, does it to help fellow Triumph owners get or keep their cars on the road, and does one set at a time. He says that he will let me know when and how to send them, and that they will be returned within 10 days. All well and good, except it's been about a month and I haven't heard back yet. Then again, that's not really holding me back, as I have nothing to hang them on yet anyway.
Which brings me to the next big "thing"... the motor! Good news on that front. Sam has the short block pretty much done, and will start in on the head work this coming week. He had to send out the block for machining for the cam bearings, but he has worked pretty quickly since getting it back in his shop. Better yet, he sent pictures!

It's neat to see his championship-winning TR6 in the background too.
On the home front, I've been trying to start on the body of the TVR, something I've been both dreading and looking forward to. I've been trying to get the dash panel and "crash pad" out, but the screws, nuts and bolts are small, difficult to access, and completely rusted! The dash itself is plywood, and rotting at the bottom, but it's looking more and more like I'll be cutting and tearing my way through the offending attachments... but hey, it's fiberglass and wood, so easily repaired or replaced! I got one door panel off, and the window hardware (frame and lift mechanism) seem pretty corroded but functioning. I really should remove it all for painting, but I hear it's all pretty "fiddly" to get back together and aligned correctly. It's tough to want everything perfect but be lazy and impatient! So, dash removal started but not progressing, door dis-assembly started but not progressing... so I started in on the driver controls.
I DID get the steering column and wheel out of the car, which made access to the pedal box easier... but it would still help if I were a contortionist midget! Again, all hardware is seized up with rust, but with lots of PB Blaster and impact driver I'm making some headway. Got the clutch pedal separated and the master cylinder removed, but the brake pedal attachment to the booster shaft is being very difficult. But hey, progress is progress!

I've got to remember to wear long sleeved shirts when working around fiberglass... I'm still itching!