That was a long day. But fun! First up, Saturday I left about 1045am to head to the Dayton Brick Shop for their open house event, we were there until about 3pm. They gave us free food from the food truck, and this year the whole community room was ours (we had 12 signups to change into costumes). It started to rain so we mostly stayed under the awning and at their background. We did wander out a little but the store was packed again.

Then I went home to take care of the dog, sat for about 30min and went to the Historic Plaza Theater in Miamisburg for their showing of RotJ. We were outside and in the lobby for 2hrs before the show. I wore my AT-ST driver for this one, gave me a break from the stormtrooper earlier and fitting for the movie. SWMBO met me for this one & stayed with me the rest of the day.

This event we had time to have fun for ourselves, this look familiar? (I Photoshopped in the white lines to be more authentic.) The ice cream store across the street had advertised a special Fantom Menace treat, orange Fanta ice cream float. I was definitely interested, me & two others hit it as soon as we got there (it had gotten a little warm by now).

Then we immediately booked it over to the Air Force Museum where Centerville HS was having their prom. Yes, a high school prom and it was quite a large crowd. I got back into the stormtrooper, 5-6 others mostly came from the theater also to help. I went back out while they were getting ready and one took this from the dressing area.
Twice I managed to scare girls that thought I was a statue until I turned my head towards them, wasn't even trying. I was just tired! We stood there by the entrance for about an hour then when the others were ready we went towards Hangar 2 where the main event was.

It ended up being better than I expected. She talked me into the event in the first place, I figured it would be a bunch of kids "too cool" for Star Wars. But most of the kids were "OMG that's awseome can I get a photo with you??" We ended up staying much linger than I expected. And SWMBO brought her light saber for fun & it was a hit with the kids. But about 1015pm I hit my limit, my back was done, and we still had to make it back to the dressing room (with typical stops for photos along the way).

Even though it was mostly her idea to do the prom event, she had a point. She said I never attended my own prom in high school, here was a chance for us to go to prom together, we even danced. And this was a chance for me to go to prom in a Star Wars costume. (Which I admit I would have considered in 1984/85.)
Got home about 1115pm, unloaded the car, fell into bed to rest up a bit & crashed big time. Sunday was couch day, and with regular ibuprofen Saturday I was not sore at all.